Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13 :: Day With Jimin

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∆Y/n POV∆

Looking at my room's door I sigh

He again left after bringing me here, Covering myself in a duvet I took my phone in my hand

A guilty wave rushes all over my body when i remember what I did an hour ago

I look at time "1:10am"

Not carrying about time I made a call to him

After a few seconds, he picked up

"Sugi" I lowly said right away I heard his sleepy voice

"Y/n!! It's late... Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Mianhae" He took some seconds before replying


"It's not... I'm feeling bad talking to you like that I'm so sorry"

"Aishh it's okay, I'm not hurt not at all, Maybe you were busy with your work or something I can understand"

I tightly pressed my lips together as I was controlling not to break out

He's hurt ... I hurted him

"Don't started cry now" i shockly gulp

"How did you know" I heard him chuckling

"I know you more than you know yourself pabo" I slightly chuckle at him

"Sugi ...." He hummed

"I can't come this Sunday Daegu" I didn't hear anything from him for a second

"Why is everything ok ?"

"Nae nae every thing is ok ... Remember i told you on the 13th Jimin's birthday is up and it's on this Sunday and i promised him that I'll come"

"Ah gwenchana..."

"You're m--"

"Aish no no" he said with a small laugh which made me smile instantly

"Let's talk tomorrow ok it's late just tightly sleep well" i nod my head knowing he can't see it but still I did


After completing my morning routine , I walked out of my room to make breakfast as i was starving alot

I stopped and stare at person who was in kitchen making coffee

Jungkook.....he's Handsome

His shirt sleeves were up around his elbow, that shiny silver bracelet which was on his veiny wrist

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His shirt sleeves were up around his elbow, that shiny silver bracelet which was on his veiny wrist

Rings in his finger making his whole hand HOT

That seriousness look on his face...

Wait why he's serious while making coffee?

"Yah old girl" I turned back in living room direction where that voice came form and it was

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