Chapter 15

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The last two weeks passed quickly since everyday was so packed with classes and hops because of the graduation. You could feel the change, everyone was trying harder, wanting to graduate. Me included. Even if the trophy was out of sight I still wanted to be in the top 10 at least. Ice took me to dinner a few times and it was lovely. Everytime I learned something more about him and when it was just the two of us his ice cold walls came down and I saw the real him. But he broke down my walls too and for once I felt completely open and free, not caring that he saw who I really was. I wasn't afraid of getting judged and it was so liberating. During one of our dinners by the beach I realized that this was really how love felt. And it was so much better than in books. 

Maverick began showing up at classes but I was worried about him. He was flying with Merlin but refused to engage in dogfights and it was visible that he didn't have the same trust for Merlin as for Goose. Goose had been cleared from the hospital but couldn't fly yet and he tried to be there for Mav too. I visited Goose one time and he told me that Mav and Charlie were dating or something. I was blown away when I heard that. It didn't suprise me though. I mean it's Pete we're talking about. 

Pete had visited and said that he was sorry and wanted to start over. Apparently Charlie had made him see sense. We began talking more. Our relationship was getting better but because of our history it was a bit difficult. But we both tried and that's what mattered. 

Today was a special day because we would graduate. I woke up early to get ready and I showered and washed my hair. My white uniform was laid out on my bed and I fixed my hair and a bit of makeup. I ate breakfast before I changed into my uniform. Standing in front of the mirror I looked good. My hair was braided into two dutch braids and the white color made my gray eyes look bluer. With a smile I left my room and called to Hugh that we needed to leave. He just exited the kitchen, he too in the white uniform and we went to my car. The drive there wasn't long and we found the rest of our classmates there. After exiting the car my eyes scanned the crowd, looking for Ice. A smile spread on my face as I found him. Making my way over to him I put on my aviators and grabbed Ice's white hat before putting it on my head. With a confused look he turned to me and a smile took its place as he realized that it was me.

"You look good in it," he said as his arm went around my waist.

"Nah, it's a bit too big for my head." I said with a chuckle and placed his hat back on his head. Hugh and Slider came up to us and we chatted a bit while waiting for the ceremony to start. After a while we went to find our seats and the ceremony started. My gaze searched for Maverick but I never spotted him. Damn it! Where is he? He can't miss the graduation!

During the speeches I zoned out until it was time to hand out the trophy. Viper held a short speech before he announced that Ice and Slider had won. Shocker. A smile played on my lips as we all applauded and they received the trophy. The ceremony then ended and everyone stood up to mingle, drink and eat. I hurried over to Ice and Slider who were surrounded by people, who all wanted to congratulate them.

At last I was at the front, "Congratulations!". I shook both of their hands, trying to act all professional but I think my genuine smile gave me away. They both thanked me before Ice wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his side. Even if I wished that trophy was mine I found peace that it was Ice's at least.

"All thanks to you." he said and pressed a kiss to my temple, "Just don't tell anyone that."

I laughed at that and remembered the whole incident a couple of weeks ago. It felt like a lifetime ago but I could still remember it in detail. The furious flame in Ice's eyes, the tension between us, the hateful words and that feeling I always carried around Ice, but could never explain what it was. I was torn away from my thoughts when Ice's arm went stiff around me. My smile faded when I saw Pete approaching us. His expression was hard to read and I think everyone got a bit on edge as he stopped in front of us. "Congratulations." he said and shook Ice's hand.

"Thank you." Ice replied and Mav said the same thing to Slider. Mav glanced at me before he simply walked away. I knew that he didn't really like that I was with Ice now, but I didn't care. 

For half an hour we drank and mingled, Ice's arm around me never dropped and it felt nice, like it belonged there. Every so often he would lean down and whisper something in my ear or press a kiss to my temple.

"Gentlemen, and lady." Viper suddenly spoke up and we all turned towards him, "I hate to break up the party before it really gets out of hand, but there's work to be done. Some of you have to depart immediately. We have a crisis situation. "

"Ice, Slider. "Jester began and handed them a paper, "Hollywood, Wolfman. Phantom, Dino. Maverick." We all got a paper and I left Ice to stand next to Dino as I read through it.

"Maverick, you'll get your RIO when you get to the ship." Viper said, "And if you don't, give me a call, I'll fly with you."

"Sir." was Maverick's answer. I took a deep breath and glanced over at Ice.

 I took a deep breath and glanced over at Ice

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