Chapter 2

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Later that night I was standing in my room, trying to find an outfit. Hugh had convinced me to come to the 'Animals night' and I didn't feel like having the white uniform. At last I decided to wear a tank top with blue jeans and a leather jacket over it. I let my hair out, brushing my wild sandy brown curls. I had a light amount of makeup and heard Hugh yell at me to get my butt down. Sighing I left my room and went down the stairs. Grabbing my keys we left the house and got in my car.

"When will you get your own car?" I asked as I turned on the ignition. Hugh only shrugged as I drove through town. The sun was on its way to the horizon and colored the sky in purple and orange. My aviators were on to block out the sun and I parked the car outside the bar. Music could be heard and Hugh was fast to leave the car. I reminded myself why I was there and with a sigh I climbed out of my car. Closing the door I made my way to the entrance. I was met with music, the smell of beer and smoke and people everywhere.

It shocked me how many wore white uniforms and I recognized a few of them from class. I made my way to the bar and ordered a beer. My eyes scanned the crowd and I wished I hadn't as I got eye contact with Maverick. Turning away I let out a sigh before taking a sip of my beer. I knew he was coming towards me and I knew that I couldn't escape him.

"What are you doing here, Helia?" he asked as he leaned against the counter next to me. His voice was cold, just like his eyes.

"The same as you, drinking." I answered without looking at him.

"I mean at Top gun." he gritted out.

"Get over it Maverick, you're not the only one who made it here!" I hissed and turned towards him, letting him see just how much I despised him. The tension was thick between us, it blocked out all the sound and the smells. I looked around, trying to find Hugh. I wanted to leave and had to notify him. "If you excuse me I need to go."

"I'm not done talking." Maverick said and gripped my wrist.

I looked down at my wrist, then up at him. "Let go of me." The ice cold venom was hard to miss in my voice. He only stared at me, jaw clenched. "I said let go of me." I tried to yank my hand out of his grip but he didn't let go.

"Why are you here?" he hissed at me but before I could answer someone cut me off.

"Is he bothering you, miss?" I turned towards the voice and was met by a pair of pretty blue eyes. It was the blonde man who had made that comment after class. I couldn't deny it but he was handsome. I clenched my jaw and wanted to say that I could take care of myself but somehow I ended up nodding. "Let go, Maverick," he said, voice cold and stern. The staredown the two men were having was intense and at last Maverick let go of my wrist.

"Don't even bother talking to me again." I hissed low at him, making sure that no one else could hear before walking away from Maverick. The blonde man followed me and I rolled my eyes, tired of the masculinity around here.

"I can take care of myself, I'm not some kind of damsel in distress." I turned towards him.

A smirk played on his lips, "Well at least let me buy you a drink."

"Fine." I replied and followed him to the bar. We sat down by two bar stools and he ordered two beers. I couldn't stop myself from looking him up and down. I must say that he looked better in that white uniform than the tan. The bartender then came and handed us two beers and I thanked him.

"I'm Tom Kazansky, callsign Iceman," the man next to me said and held out his hand and I shook it, "And you?"

"Helia." I answered shortly and took a sip of the beer.

It was silent between us for a few moments before Iceman spoke up again, "What's your callsign?". My head snapped towards him in shock and I think I exposed it because he began chuckling. "What? You think that I wouldn't have remembered such a beautiful pilot?"

"Such a flirt," I said and fought the blush trying to crawl onto my cheeks. I wasn't used to compliments because most men avoided me after they found out I was a pilot. Maybe they felt threatened because of my independence or something like that. I don't know. Taking another sip I answered him. "It's Phantom."

"Hm, I like it." he said and took a sip from his beer, that smirk still on his face "So, you know Maverick?"

"It's complicated." I answered, the serious tone back since I had no interest in telling him about my relationship with Maverick. I finished my beer, wanting to get out of here.

"We got all evening, sweetheart." Iceman tried but I didn't give in.

"Don't call me that," I gritted out " And it's none of your business. If you'll excuse me." I stood up. I could see in the corner of my eye that his smirk was replaced by a scowl. He probably wasn't used to rejection. My gaze scanned the room for Hugh and I found him among a group of girls. Deciding that I didn't care, I left the bar. Out in the fresh air I took a deep breath and climbed into my car. I drove through the night, heading to our house. Stopping in the driveway I turned off the engine and put my head against the steering wheel. Get a grip, I thought. If I want to graduate I'm going to have to ignore Maverick's presence and stay away from Iceman. 

With a sigh I left my car and headed inside.

With a sigh I left my car and headed inside

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Phantom // Tom -Iceman- KazanskyWhere stories live. Discover now