Chapter 6

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I stood next to Iceman in Viper's office. Jester leaned against the window with crossed arms, staring sternly at the both of us. Viper who sat behind his desk only looked triedly at us. Thankfully my nose bleed had stopped and I tried to steel my face into nothing. But it was hard with the regret and shame running through me. I cursed myself for losing my temper like that and punching him? What the hell had I been thinking?  God, this was bad. 

"What the hell was that?" Viper asked, glaring at us, "Explain to me why Jester found you two fighting."

"Sir, I-" Iceman began but I cut him off.

"It was my fault, sir." I quickly replied and swallowed before continuing , "I was provoking Iceman because we beat him in the hop, so he shoved me. I slapped him and then we fought. That's what happened." Slapping sounded better than punching him, I concluded.

"Is that your perception of the situation, Iceman?" Jester asked and turned to the blonde next to me.

"Yes, sir." he replied, not missing a beat. Thank god.

"Well, this will be your only warning; this can't happen again or the consequences will be very bad, am I clear?" Viper questioned. I was shocked that the punishment wasn't worse, I mean he could easily expell us for that stunt.

"Yes, sir." we answered in unison.

"You're dismissed Iceman." Viper said and Iceman saluted before leaving the room. The door closed behind him and I took a deep breath, ready to face the consequences of my actions. Viper let out a heavy sigh and leaned his elbows on the desk, his gaze searching my face. "You two are some of the best pilots I've ever seen and I can't have these kinds of situations ever again, without having to discharge you." I only nodded, "We're going to have to pull some of your points because of this. We have to discuss how many first and I hope that you'll be able to graduate, I really do. But the trophy will be out of your sight."

Cold dread filled me as I realized that maybe I couldn't graduate Top gun. Shit. Hopefully I would do good enough rest of the training to earn the points back. "I understand sir." I answered and tried to keep the anxiety out of my voice, "I already knew that the trophy was an unrealistic dream."

"You'll be the first woman to ever graduate Top gun if you do, that's always something." Viper tried to cheer me up and I gave him a small smile in return. "Dismissed."

I left the room after saluting. It went better than I hoped, but I had to concentrate now. Concentrate on keeping my temper in check, perform better, staying clear of Ice. Looking up I was met with a certain blue eyed pilot who leaned against the opposite wall. Completely ignoring him I started walking through the corridors, heading to the parking lot.

"Phantom, wait!" I heard Iceman call after me but I didn't stop until he grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"What the hell was that?" He asked, eyes searching mine, "Why did you lie? I don't want to be in some kind of debt to you."

"Just be grateful that I secured your first place." I said, feeling tired of always fighting with him. I guess that physical fight drained me mentally too. I dragged my free hand through my blonde brown locks and sighed.

"What do you mean?" he asked, more confused now and dropped my wrist.

"They would've pulled points from both of us if I hadn't lied. " I tried to explain.

"But why didn't you let them?" he questioned.

"Because then Maverick would've been first place," I told him, "And I'd rather see you have the trophy than him." I quickly turned around and walked away from him, not wanting to see his reaction.

Phantom // Tom -Iceman- KazanskyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora