-Chapter Six-

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Xander's POV:

The red sun pierces through my window and into my black eyes. I cover my face with my arm as I groan and turn away from the light. To be honest, I do not even know why there is light in the Underworld.

What a hassle. I sit up and shake the tiredness away. The bed creaks as I stand up. My rusty black armor clanks together as I put it on and grab my blood-stained sword.

The red sun shines its bloody light onto the kingdom. I walk among the empty streets, the first to see the shops closed, as I am the first to see everything.

A crow flaps away from a dead tree as it senses my presence. A leaf gently falls down and into my hands. I stare at the brown leaf, as it was the last one on the tree.

I lower my hand and let go of it. I continue my daily stroll. Being in second in command isn't always the easiest.


As time goes by, more people appear on the empty streets. I see some skeletons too, their bones making unusual sounds with each stride.

"Hey, did you hear?" A pair of what I think is two elder skeletons mutter to each other. The one speaking stops and side-eyes me.

The other notices and quiets down. Does my presence scare them?  They walk away into the crowd.

I look out in the distance. The blazing red sun rises up behind a hill as the people fill the streets.

The more people, the more whispers and side-eyes I get. "Have you heard?" "Shh.. he's right there.." "The Lady.."

I was getting uncomfortable. And curious. The Lady? I clench my sword tight. What has happened? I owe the Royal Family my life, which is kind of ironic since it's the Underworld.

Whatever happens to them, it will be dreadful for whoever is at fault. I push my leg, lifting myself from the wall I'd been leaning on.

The crowd walks in front of me as I walk the opposite way. They make way for me. I boldly walk among the crowd when a younger kid bumps into me. He glances up at me and opens his mouth, "Excuse me, sir, what happened to-"

"Shh!" The lady next to him covers his mouth speedily and looks at me with a nervous smile. "Sorry, sir." She moves forward along with the boy. Watching them fade into the crowd, I continue my walk to the palace. 


It didn't take long for me to figure out what was happening. The second flower has withered to ashes. The sun is dimming as the crows are silent. 

"Azrael.." A black feather falls into his hand. I look at him with a hint of sympathy, and he clenches the feather into his fist. A gust of wind blows, making our hair rustle and causing me to blink a little.

He sighs heavily and walks away from the balcony and back inside. I don't follow him, I look down. I am certain I saw the water ripple. A Siren?

I head inside, unsure if I should tell him. The room is dim but you can see his shadowy figure further in. The four stunning black flowers on the side. The second one lowers its stem. 

"Aenon," I say. He's probably working with Haru. I can't see it but I can feel his cold aura. He turns his head away from me. "Brother.." He whispers in such a sad tone. I feel bad. How could one betray their blood? 

I walk towards him and place my hand on his shoulder. "I will stand here, by your side." He lowers his head. "I know." He gives me a slight smile. 

"Beth," he calls out. The door creaks open and a mysterious figure enters the. "Ring the bells." I gulp and clench my sword tight. 

They leave after nodding and shutting the door. 

Suddenly, the door slams open again. "Father!" A worried female voice. It is Lady Aurora. She runs to Azrael, she notices me, and gives me a quick nod. "I will not stand here Father." She makes it very clear. Azrael sighs, "Aurora, I cannot lose you."

"I am capable." He shakes his head. "I will fight this war, I will fight for my Mother." Her breathing is heavy. 

"Aurora, please."

"Til death doth us apart." But they are immortal. 

"Til my legs give up on me." Aurora goes on and on. "Til my heart stops beating, til my people fall, I WILL NOT STAND IDLE."

 Azrael gives a heavy breath. He tugs Aurora's hand and hugs her. Her eyes widen. She hugs him back. I feel as if I am violating their privacy. "Please, Father.." She closes her eyes and a tear pours down her cheek. Poor girl.

The harmonic bells start ringing. "Never fall Aurora, keep your word. Fight for your mother, fight for this Kingdom."

He pulls away from Aurora and turns to me, and my eyes narrow. I know what he's going to say next. 

"Let this war begin, right now."

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