-Chapter Two-

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Azrael's POV:

The night is cold indeed, how unusual. I stand on the top of the castle, the kingdom's flag waving frantically behind me as the wind lifts my hair gently. The lavish swirls of bright orange and yellow rest upon the hills in front of the kingdom making silhouettes of the overgrown trees.

A clear wine glass brushes my lips as sweet yet bitter wine enters my mouth.

Two blackbirds fly in front of the eerie yet ethereal sun. The view is perfect, just as if the view is setting the writer of life's scene for their love story.

In my opinion, time passes quickly during this hour because I realize I am done with my drink, with not an ounce remaining. The crimson sky is barely noticeable now, the sun hiding behind the hills whilst leaving a beautiful purple and blue tint in the corners of the heavens.

Soon enough, a new celestial body comes into the night sky, the moon. Its powerful glow shines upon the kingdom as it looks down on the people in pity. The kingdom glitters. I've always loved this time of night.

People might not say it, but there are so many selonophiles (someone who loves the moon) in this world. In fact, I myself am one.

Underneath where I stand, a peal of boisterous laughter echoes. I look down and see two young girls leaping out of the castle, one smaller than the other. The smaller girl is pulling the taller girl towards the forest while glancing back at her.

Lilli, Aurora...

I watch them run into the thick forest. I catch a glimpse of Lilliana's face. It has a wide smile, bigger than her face can fit. I chuckle and lean onto the brick railing. The wind roars again.

I quickly lose sight of them as they enter the mysterious forest but I know they are still there because I hear Lilliana's joyful giggle. As night falls, the nocturnal animals awake. A loud "Hoot!" catches my attention, causing animals to jump at the sound and move quickly away. It is as if the forest was yelling.

I sigh and get off of the brick railing. I pull my sword out, its dark purple aura glowing with a soft throb around its glinting black body that was made out of Stygian Iron. I place it on my palm and stare at it in awe.

I place it back into its sheath and take one more glance at the intimidating moon. The wind blows against my skin one more time before I go back inside the castle.

"Were they out?"

I'm met with Lorelai's soothing voice. I nod.

"Of course, my dear."

She smiles and we walk arm-in-arm together inside the castle. The floors creak as Lorelai's hard heels trot on them.

The castle is very old, yes, but it doesn't seem like it. Some hallways are filled with high-valued paintings and are decorated with lush black carpet. Some hallways don't have a carpet but they do have a grand door, most of the time a red door with a frame of gold around it.

Some hallways have plants in the corner and have a red carpet instead of a black one. The doors are all different, each representing a servant (usually a skeleton). I pluck a flower out of one of the plants and it withers away in my hands almost immediately.

I let go of it as its ashes fade away in the air and onto the red carpet that was underneath.

We bump into some workers around the palace, they hollowly say sorry before rushing to whatever destination they're heading to.

Lorelai and I make our way to our room, chatting idly. It isn't the finest room in the castle, but it's certainly gorgeous.

With a grey bed and black pillow, the black blanket has an outline of gold. Beside the bed is a wooden nightstand holding a vase of dark red flowers. The walls are decorated with a painting of Astrophel and Aenon, they gave it to me so that I won't forget my amazing younger brothers.

Somehow, it got into my bedroom. I suppose the servants placed it up there.

The painting has a gold frame around it. I give a deep, tired sigh as I slump on the rich black sheets. Lorelai stands in front of the window, her handmade (she refuses to let me buy her clothes), skillfully embroidered crimson red dress dazzling in the light, especially the gold accessories around her waist.

The window's patterns and her silhouette are printed on the red carpet as the dust dances in the moonlight. I hear her mutter something about the girls but I don't quite catch it.


I turn my head to her, and she tilts her head to the side to let me know that she's listening. I pat the sheets next to me, softly. She twists her head back before she turns her whole body to me, walks forward, and sits down. Her dress falls gently as she does so.

She bends her head so that it leans against my shoulder.

The room is silent. Not eerily silent, but calm silent. I hear the crows' beating wings fade away from a nearby tree. I hear the annoying cricket noises continue. It is peaceful.

Little do I know...

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