-Chapter Four-

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Lorelai's POV:

I am independent. Most say I am not. I am not the problem, nor is my husband, so I don't understand why they think otherwise.

I keep a dagger in a thigh pocket, under my dress. I make my own dresses and gowns, refusing every time Azrael offers to buy me one. I fight for myself, I fend for myself.

My husband knows not to treat me like a common lady, I am a queen.

I do love him dearly, though.

I rest on his shoulder tonight, after a long day of being hassled. The enchanting moonlight makes the dancing dust appear in its light. An overgrown tree hides loud crows as they flapped away, and a wolf howls in the distance.

The silence is comfortable, not awkward.

I lift my head up gently, making as little noise as possible. I look up at him as he looks down at me with his black eyes that always remind me of the depths of Tartarus.

"Goodnight Azrael."

I smile, and he smiles back.

That night was probably the most comfortable night I had ever had, which is funny, probably because it was the last night I spent at the castle for a long time.


I did not go for the walk today with my family. I did not want to. I wanted to be alone, and have some time to myself. My daughters are complete opposites; one barely speaks to me (or anyone for that fact, except maybe her sister), and the other clings to me like moss on an aging tree.

While on my solitary walk, I found a small lagoon that I hadn't seen before. Stepping closer, I heard faint whispers coming from the depths of the water. Gently, slowly, I reached into the water and was met with the blazing aquamarine eyes of a siren. That's when I fainted.


I don't know how I was taken, as I have just regained consciousness, but the strange creature is dragging me through a musty, dark tunnel. It seems like I have been drugged because I cannot move and my mind feels hazy, like walking in a thick fog.

It seems like it has a hunger for people. Its mouth was dripping thick blueish saliva, hitting my face. Its claws feel like daggers piercing through my skin, threatening to break me.

I can't explain its face, all I can say is that it is horrendous. My weak eyes close again despite my desperate attempts to stay conscious.


My eyes shoot up. My chest's heavy. My forehead is drenched in sweat. 

No, no, no, no, NO!

I stand up, my body is still droopy and slow, and my mind not much better off. The blinding lights around me force me to squint. I hear footsteps coming toward me.

Click, clack. Click, clack. Click, clack.

My eyes widen as I turn to the noise.

"My Lady."

Her voice pierces through my heart. Haru. That SNAKE.

"It is nice to see you again. How long has it been now?"

I grind my teeth, scowling. I hate her. I HATE HER. 

I quickly grab the dagger inside my thigh pocket. 


She barely dodges my swing.

"Go to Tartarus!" I yell as I stumble back.

"My Lady, why don't you take a seat?"

She is cool, calm, and collected, as always.

I don't care what she says. She can't brainwash me. 

One. Two. Three. Four. Five! 

Five swings I attempt, and four swings I miss.

But the final swing gets her.

I slash her neck. She steps back in surprise, holding her neck with her pale hand.

"Lorelai. You haven't changed one bit."

"Haru. I could say the same."

I stand proudly in front of her. She heals her neck injury in no time, her capabilities against mine, she should definitely win, but I am not about to back out.

"Shall we take a dance?"

I point my dagger at her. She smirks.

"It would be an honor."

Suddenly, she raises her hand and a dazzling white sword appears in her grip. She doesn't hesitate, her sword swings right at me.

I dodge it swiftly. I hold my hand out as I dodge and a black crossbow is summoned onto my palm.

I back away from her.

I load my crossbow.

The crows' feathers act like arrows for my bow. Every feather launched out transforms into sharp black daggers.

She raises her free hand and the daggers quickly disintegrate.

"The Underworld does not compare to The Lightlands."

Smirking, Haru raises her sword again, and about a million pointed swords encircle me.

"You're wrong!"

The swords threaten to kill me in an instant, at the single command of their mistress.

"The Underworld does NOT bow down to The Light!"

It seems as though the swords are angry. They all launch at me and it feels as if my heart stops for a second.

I hold my crossbow in front of me, making a useless attempt to cover myself.

The swords do not hit, but Haru definitely wouldn't spare me. What has happened?

 A million crow feathers gather around me. I feel new, strong, and powerful.

I feel reborn.

My crimson dress is now a shining silver armor. I hold my crossbow tightly.


Haru snaps her finger. The light around the room brightens. My body suddenly feels heavy again.


I can't see her, but I head in the direction I last saw her. When I think I'm in the right spot I slam my crossbow on her. I'm glad to find I'm correct.

Her body freezes for a second. Then, her eyes gleam in a blinding flash of light. It's like staring at the Lightland sun.

She grabs my arm swiftly and surely and throws me onto the ground, my whole body being compressed on the hard wooden floor.

She's got me.

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