Whispers and Wallows [Pt. 1]

Start from the beginning


    "It has the same DNA as the Indominus Rex that died five years ago-"

    "Yeah, I know. Is Seven's DNA not in her?"


    Another pause. "Has anyone found her?"


    The man groaned again. There came a second sound, possibly a chair being pushed away, and out came a third sigh. Indy could sense the frustration in the male who stood up, the sickly stench of grinder bones and blood seemed more prevalent than the sweat drooling down the second man's body.

    "Four days from now..." began the first, "the mutation in its bloodstream is going to turn lethal. We're working off of an old hybrid and an older theropod. It's only a matter of time before his body rejects it."

    The second male grunted: "There has to be another blood sample you can take. INGEN made all their dinosaurs off of a mosquito's blood in early 2012 when they retook Isla Nublar, maybe you don't need hybrid-"

    "You don't even realize... what kind of marvel she is," the first one scowled. "After countless failures... hundreds dead, and only ONE manages to actually have a sense of what it is without murdering dozens -- doesn't that speak volume?"

    "I-I think it's a big deal, yes."

    "It IS a big deal. There won't be a second chance. Seven's the key to everything we've been working for, and we can't reciprocate Wu's success from scratch -- it's impossible."

"His work is still redacted?"

"Apparently some things still hold secrets," groaned the first male. "I'll ask when he arrives tomorrow from the safehouse because we're running out of time."

"If-" the second male spoke lightly. "If there's no need... for the others-"

"There isn't. We'll continue to feed the blood off, it'll keep our assets alive for another few days."


"Hey-" he made the male pause. "I don't want another massacre on my hands. Keep them subdued. Got it?"


And the conversation went dead.

    That was four days ago. And Indy was quite angered to see their plan working so well. Now, on the precipice of their fifth day, Indy worried that she and Rexy were running out of time. If their actions followed any sort of pattern, then they were bound to succumb to starvation any day now. Or worse, some infection will find them in the confines of this prison and make death as painful as possible.

    On the verge of the fifth day, the humans had left for the night, leaving the building empty, abandoned, and quiet. Indy let out small shallow whimpers, still motionless on the floor, while the rex remained against the wall, shaking and huffing heavy breaths as the effects began to grow. Her yellow eyes blinked, staring across the room to where Indy laid. Rexy didn't have as much energy to speak as she did before, but she still gave a valiant effort to reach out to the hybrid.

    "Are you... ready...?" she asked. Indy tilted her head.

"For... what..." she narrowed her eyes. "They won't... nrr... let us go. Or feed us. Or... care..."

Rexy said nothing. Hearing the subtle silence echoing the frozen air made Indy's eyes widen in realization, quick to figure out the rex's sudden declaration. So Rexy let out a loose whimper, and exhaled slowly.

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