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WHEN he said his family was intense, what meant was his father.

He expected his outburst and did not seem fazed by the beating. The old man really stuck to his word that he didn't want to see his face with any other girl. Only, she wasn't just any other girl.

It was when he saw his mate going pale and slowly losing her balance that he fought him back and shoved him off.

"Karina!" He ran to her just in time to catch her fall.

"Oh my Goddess! Is she alright?" Luna Vashti neared them to assess the unconscious girl.

Andrin's body started to shake. His family could see how his wolf was fighting for control as his eyes changed from an animal's orange orbs to his normal brown ones.

"Woah." Vernon, his youngest brother, said in awe.

"Do not fucking touch my mate!" He bellowed at his mom when she tried to feel her forehead.

His chest was furiously heaving up and down. His canines were slowly showing and his control was slowly slipping away. He and his wolf were angry at them for causing distress to his mate.

"Honey, calm down. Please." Her mother pleaded, "Let's get her in the house, yeah? I'll have one of your brothers get the pack doctor to ensure the safety of Karina."

At the mention of his mate's name, he snapped out of it and followed Vashti's lead inside the pack house. His father and brothers were right behind them walking silently, not wanting to rile up his wolf. Goddess knows what a protective alpha wolf could do.

The pack house was usually as it was, busy and full of people. Members of the pack immediately made way for them as he carried his mate in her arms. They bowed their heads at him and a few barely audible gasps could be heard.

He did not announce he was coming nor did he say anything about the mystery girl in his arms. If anything, the pissed off look on his face could mean that she was their Luna.

"I should have known." His father apologetically admitted.

They were now on the second floor of the house, a floor exclusively vacated by the alpha's family.

The pack doctor arrived a few hours ago checking Karina's temperature and pulse. She was fine and the doctor figured her sudden collapse was maybe because of stress or something triggering for her. She told them to call her if she didn't wake up soon.

"If anything ever happens to her I'll have to ask forgiveness in advance because I'll be ripping you into shreds." His tone was dead serious.

His father could only sigh and sit himself down on one of the couches. At this point, nothing could hold his son back from protecting what was his.

"Excuse your father's behavior, hun. We couldn't tell if she was your mate without your mark on her. Still, it was wrong of him to act that way." His mother gave his old man a glare.

The wolf inside of him still felt antsy, pacing back and forth in his mind. His mom's words bothered him because she was right. Any other wolf couldn't have identified his mate because she didn't bear his mark. His scent that rubbed off on her wasn't enough to stake his claim.

Karina stirred in her slumber. She slowly fluttered her eyes open and smiled when her mate held eye contact. He immediately walked over to her, cupped her cheek and returned a sad smile before speaking.

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake bringing you here. Meeting my family only caused you harm."

"What?" Her smile fell and she slowly sat right up.

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