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3 years ago.

Luna Vashti's screams echoed through the walls of the packhouse as her husband's fists came flying down on her son's face.

"Release him this instant, Darren!" She shouted at him and tugged at his arm.

"I will not tolerate this behavior, mate. He is a disgrace to our family's name!"

Another blow struck Andrin's face making his lips bleed. He could barely throw a punch back at his father. His eye was swollen and he had no will left in him.

Luna Vashti started weeping. She knew she could not do anything more to protect him.

Her three other sons stood stiffly across them, watching their older brother get beaten. She had begged them earlier to interfere but they declined not because of fear from their father's wrath, but because their brother had deserved it.

"Rule number one, the pack goes above all else! If Donovan had not been that forgiving, this territory would have already burned to the ground!" Darren gripped the hems of his shirt and shook him, "What the fuck is wrong with you, boy?"

"I love her."

The sound of Vashti's hand meeting his cheek sliced into the air.

She gasped, not believing what she just did. She loved him deeply that it felt so unnatural to slap him like that. It was pure instinct.

"How could you?" His mother whispered.Lester gave her a bitter laugh.

"How could I not? She was everything I nee--"

His eyes widened as she gave him another slap. This time, she knew she wanted to do it.

"You are indeed a disgrace. I have never been so disappointed," she stated with tears in her eyes.

Her words felt like daggers. He never expected that his good and calm-natured mom could say something so hurtful to him.

"You have a mate out there who is waiting for you. And while you may not love her as much as that girl, she's out there expecting you to be the one she needed. You're undeserving of her."

Andrin sensed his mom step back in thought. She was blaming herself of what was happening.

Did she lack in mothering her child? She taught him everything he needed to know. She had disciplined him and nurtured him to be a fine young man. Where did she go wrong?

"Mom, I'm sorry. Please I--" He held out his hand to her but she shook her head and ran to her room, crying.

"Look what you've done now, boy," his father growled at him and shoved him to the side.

"I didn't mean to upset her like that."

"But you did. Have you ever thought about anyone else but yourself, boy?"

He stood there, silent. He knew how selfish he acted. It was no use answering his father. It would only start another argument.

"I have loved your mother more than anyone else but you don't see me neglecting the pack," he eyed him, "You need to practice self-control and discipline."

His head hung low and he averted his father and brothers' gazes. He felt incompetent and undeserving to be alpha. His actions were immature and reckless.

"I understand. I'll accept you revoking my title as alpha. I'm sure one of my brothers will suit it better."


"Father, we could never take it from him."

"Silence," their wolves submitted at the alpha tone their father used, "Revoking his title will be temporary."

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