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KARINA's footsteps shuffled around the room.

His wolf's hearing picked up her mumbling. She was awfully anxious again this morning.

"Isn't it too early for that?" He asked propping himself up with his arm.

It was her third day here. She was putting her clothes and other necessities at the right places. She wanted to distract herself enough to calm down before spilling to her mate the secrets she held. It made her restless.

She jumped at his voice and turned to look at him.

"Good morning. I wanted to settle my stuffs here," her eyes flickered to the one suitcase left, "I was wondering if I could store that in the closet too?"

Grey dismissively waved his hand and smiled at his little mate.

"Do whatever you want, darling," he stood up and kissed her cheeks, "I'll be right back. I need to talk to Luca about something."

She inaudibly whispered a thanksgiving prayer to the Goddess.

The last thing she wanted was to have him take a peek at her suitcase and discover what she truly was before she could confront him about it.

She assessed it, checking each of the items her grandmother had passed down to her. A sage, a deck of cards, crystals and a thick book were among the contents inside. The velvet pouch that Alpha Lota had given her was in it too but she had yet to open it.

She did a mental reminder to check it out later and continued putting everything away.

Making sure to lock the suitcase with the number combination it's installed with, she shoved it inside Andrin's closet and prepared for a bath. Goddess knows she needed one. She looked for a haircap to wrap up her wig and slipped into the bathroom feeling like a jumbled mess.

The anticipation was getting to her.

Meanwhile, the alpha went into the kitchen and started making his cup of coffee. A smile played on his lips as he thought of how his mate had started settling in.

She had enjoyed the dinner last night. After that, they slept uneventfully, both tired of the day they've had. It felt perfect to him, to have her there curled up beside him.

Suddenly, a frown plastered on his face. It would have been better if she was still there beside him when he woke but he shrugged it off. He'd take what he can get especially when his mate had just started warming up to him. He respects her that much.

"Hey, you called for me?" Luca walked in on him sipping his mug.

He had mind-linked him earlier after seeing Karina unpack. He reached out another white mug filled with coffee to him which Luca gladly accepted.

"I was thinking, it's about time for her to visit the other pack houses where my brothers and parents reside. Might as well formally introduce her to them first," he said.

It was no secret that the Silver Pack had a huge territory. The Greys have ruled and claimed almost two-thirds of the country, generation after generation. As of the moment, the pack had stopped expanding deeming it unnecessary and formed alliances instead.

Normally, a pack would have only one beta and one alpha but the pack was too big to have one ruler and too risky. In their case, the Greys reproduced enough children to lead branches of the pack in order to maintain their reign and tight security.

The first born was the one true alpha which gets to rule in the main packhouse, the first territory that the first Grey ever laid claim on. There were four pack houses in total so the other siblings would manage the rest of the three which were fairly as big. It has been like that for centuries.

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