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"REMIND me why we're here again," Grey grumbled as he shrugged off a female pack member of the Raven Black Pack.

His Beta, Luca chuckled at his Alpha and best friend's discomfort. Although he had much power over him and was known to be the most ruthless alpha across the world, his best bud seemed allergic to girls and won't spare a single glance at them. It seemed funny that the big bad alpha find them a handful.

"Come on, A. Lighten up, I'm starting to think you're gay. Ever since you and Shaniah broke up--" Luca couldn't finish his sentence as Grey shot him a glare, threatening him if he ever continues uttering about his past.

"Can we forget about that she-wolf?" Luca sighed and shook his head.

Ever since Alpha Andrin Grey had broken up with his first girlfriend Shaniah, he had grown a distaste to women. The pale short girl broke something within him after she had found her mate and left the pack.

From then on, Grey diverted his attention on strengthening the pack and recruiting more allies. He didn't show an ounce of interest towards the opposite sex.

"Alpha Lota requested our presence to witness their annual celebration. We need to show how sincere we are to involve ourselves with their pack as alliances," Luca informed as Grey gritted his teeth.

"How sincere do we have to be? I'm getting tired smelling the arousal of these stupid shewolves."

It was true, even though it was late in the evening, the sight of the almighty alpha had every girl dreaming and imagining what other wonders the alpha possessed aside from his strong built, flawless skin, and panty-dropping voice. They were curious of his performance not only in the face of an enemy but also in bed.

To be honest, Grey found the annual celebration pointless. Although he adored his creator the Moon Goddess, he never found the need to put up a grand feast for her. Keeping everything balanced and doing his alpha duties justly seemed enough for him to please and pay respect to the Goddess. Yet he was here at the Raven Black's territory.

Everything about Alpha Lota's pack seemed so extra but he wouldn't expect less of a female and older alpha. He admired how stubborn and how the other alpha held her ground in agreeing to the alliance. She was tough, that's for sure. All the more worthy to become allies.

"Well, would you look at that. We are in for a show," Luca whistled and elbowed Grey to glance at the sight.

Alpha Lota smiled at her guests. She had invited them with good intentions. The Silver Pack leaders were seated next to her, along with her husband and two younger daughters on the makeshift stage decorated with flowers and vines.

It was about time that her three older daughters showed their adoration to the Goddess through a dance.

Two raven-haired girls and a blonde showed up dressed in sequenced tube tops and baggy pants. They wore a veil that obscured their faces and only revealed their eyes.

She's here. I can feel her gaze on me, Grey mind-linked his beta.

Luca searched the crowd looking for a pair of eyes that were trained on Grey but he found none. Everyone was too engulfed in the dance that the three veiled women were doing which could only mean that one of them was his Luna as they performed looking at the two Alphas beside him.

"Mate," Grey uttered, his eyes darkened, a sign that his wolf was fighting for control. His eyes were trained on the slimmest shewolf dancing around the bonfire.

Karina gulped as she felt his mate's gaze on her. She had hope to not see him anytime soon and it felt like the Goddess somehow betrayed her because he was here, in front of her, watching her dance so hideously.

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