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( ms. limbrey and her guard dog )

The next morning the Pogues were on the move, they hopped into the truck and Pope was getting behind the wheel and driving to the nearest truck stop. When they got there they parked the truck and made their way to the showers after talking to the worker there and paying them. Thea took a quick shower and rolled on some deodorant before pulling on an outfit she brought in her backpack.

A cropped hoodie, loose black jeans with rolled up cuffs, and she styles her hair into two braids that rest on her shoulders. After spitting out the toothpaste foam in the sink after scrubbing a night's sleep from her teeth, she walked out of the truck stop bathroom and made her way back to Heyward's truck.

"Finally." JJ huffs out in impatience, "You and Kie take forever to get ready, I swear."

Thea scoffed, opening the door and hopping inside next to him. "It takes time to look this good, but clearly you wouldn't know what that's like."

Kie laughs loudly, "Damn, T."

JJ rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, very funny. I may not take long to get ready, but that's because I wake up looking like this."

Thea cups his face, then she leaned forward and pecked his lips ignoring the "gross" comment from Kie next to him. "JJ, baby, you a lie and the truth aint in ya."

JJ pulls back, taking his hand and attempting to wipe at her lips." I'm taking my kiss back, you don't deserve it." Thea giggles and slaps at his hand as he keeps trying to touch her face. "Come here."

"JJ, stop!" She laughs at him, grabbing his wrist to try and stop him from touching her face.

"You guys are gonna make me vomit." Kie complains as they continue their playful moment.

"Hey." Pope's voice suddenly joins from the rolled down window, "I got us all breakfast burritos."

"Finally." Kie moans in satisfaction, "I'm starving, gimme." Pope smiles fondly at the girl before handing her one of the burritos. "You're a life saver, Pope, seriously."

The boy flushed at her words, "I'm really not, but you're welcome." He clears his throat and climbs into the truck, "Here, guys." He said, handing out the breakfast food to Thea and JJ who gladly took it from him.

"Thanks, Heyward." Thea said, pulling the wrapping back.

"Thank you, Pope." JJ says to him.

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