☾when night comes

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I am scared to live a life
Where the world hasn't heard my tune
It's even scarier when night comes
I enjoy the calmness of the dark sky blues

Love is questionable
When you don't receive what you deserve
No more efforts left to make
I am just an individual who feels tired of seeking the treasures I never found
When troubles came, I stood and prayed
I felt so helpless, I was tormented
Always knew I stepped into the end game

Gotta live through a lot more
To truly ever find myself
Cause who are you if you don't know
All your deepest fears
I'm just a wanderer
Not quite there yet
Maybe not this life
Or even the next one

I'm looking around as I am passing life
With the world I've made
That have bright blue skies
But those same skies get tainted
And when the night comes
That's when I really don't know who I am

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