Chapter 20

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"I love it," I tell Em while looking at my hair in the mirror.

"It's looks so good Kayde," Keelie adds from the chair next to me.

"Thanks for the inspirational photos," I smile while getting out of the chair to grab my belt bag to pay.

My hair reaches just to my chest now and is swirling with caramel and blonde highlights. I went with the balayage look Keelie sent me and face framing layers.

"I feel healed," I tell Keelie while we walk arm and arm out of the salon.

"The magic of a good haircut," she laughs.

"Want to go to the library to study?" I ask her.

"Sure, I just have to text Ledger since he's waiting for me at my apartment," she replies while pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"Oh yeah, I should text mine too," I mumble while pulling up Egan and my text conversation.

'Headed the library with Keelie. Going to study.' I hit send and then pull up Pierson's text conversation.

'Hope the meeting is going well. I'm headed to the library with Keelie.'

'I'll meet you there later.' Egan replies.

No response from Pierson, meaning the meeting is probably not over yet.

After 2 hours of catching up and making flashcards, I feel the air in the library change. They're here. I ignore the feeling and continue flipping through my study material.

"Egan and Pierson just sat down a few tables away," Keelie whispers.

"I know," I whisper back.

"How?" she snorts. "You're not even facing in that direction," she adds.

"I knew the moment they entered the library," I shrug while flipping another flashcard over.

I turn to look behind me and wave to them. They are whispering back and forth, but Egan lifts his hand when he sees my wave. This makes Pierson turn around and shoot me a smile.

I turn back around and Keelie is watching in amusement.

"I love that you have superpowers," she gushes.

"I do not," I roll my eyes while tearing a paper out of my notebook.

'I don't want Pier and E to hear this...but I have a theory'  I write, then push the paper towards Keelie.

She reads it, nods, and pushes the paper back as if to say continue.

'I think that the split aura is different for me because it's really half and half. Half of me is me before the trauma and the other half is me after the trauma'

I pause and slide the paper back over.

She carefully reads it and then picks up her pen. Her blue ink scribbles across the page and then she slides it back.

'So, the trauma side is connected to Pierson and the other side Egan?'

My heart falls when I read her words. She knows me so well, that's exactly my theory, but there's more.

My heart rate begins to quicken as I shakily begin to explain more.

'Egan calms that side of me and Pierson wakes it up.' She leans across the table and nods. She reaches out and adds a question to the corner of the paper.

'Do you think your split aura allows you to predict things because you're connected to both sides?'

I shrug. I pick up my pencil and begin responding.

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