Chapter 6

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Pierson has been hovering all afternoon. I am working on a paper and Pierson is working on his laptop next to me on the couch.

Every few minutes he'll run his fingers through my hair or rub my back.

By the fifth time of his fingers running through my long brown hair I close my laptop.

"I'm going to shower," I tell him.

"Do you want to watch a movie after? I have wine," he suggests.

"No, I'm really tired," I decline while standing up.

I walk into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see a text from Egan:

'Goodnight, I miss you so much.'


'Yes? What's wrong?'

'Please come get me.'

My phone rings but I quickly silence it. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen. I begin to sweat and sit on the bathroom tile to cool off.


My hands are shaking, making it difficult to text.

'Please, just come.'

'On my way.'

I feel relief wash over me and stand up to turn the shower on. I strip my clothes off and get in for a quick shower. Hopefully by the time I'm done Egan is here and I'll feel better.

I turn the water off and wrap myself in the white fluffy towel. I pull on leggings and a hoodie and then comb through my wet hair.

I freeze when I hear Egan and Pierson's voices downstairs.

I open the door to listen for a moment before going down.

"She can come and go whenever she wants, that is the deal," Egan harshly reminds Pierson.

"She's confused after today," Pierson argues.

I walk down the steps and Egan shuts his mouth when he sees me.

"Kayde," he sighs in relief while holding out his arms to me. I reach for his hug and instantly feel safe in his arms.

"Kaydence, what's going on? Why did you text him?" Pierson asks.

"I don't feel good, I want to go to Egan's," I reply, but I keep my eyes in lock with my favorite caramel ones.

"Look at me," Pierson lowly growls. I turn to face him but grab on to Egan's hand.

"Pierson, I'm going with him," I sternly state.

"Kaydence," he sighs while running his hand down his face, "please stay and talk to me," he begs.

"We can talk later," I dismiss. The feeling is getting closer, something is going happen, I have to get out of here.

"Why are you panicking?" Egan asks me while putting his hand under my chin to turn my head towards him.

Before I can answer Pierson cuts in, "That's not panic it's confusion!"

"I'll wait in the truck," I sigh in annoyance.

I spin around and head towards the door.

"Don't you dare," I hear Egan growl.

I don't have to turn around to know Pierson was about to grab my arm. I make it outside and to Egan's truck and lean against it.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The panic starts to rise in my chest.

"Breathe Kayde," Egan demands, suddenly in front of me.

"I-I'm going to faint," I tell him while grabbing onto his arm.

"No, you're not," he challenges while wrapping me in his arms. He then opens the truck door and helps me climb in.

He gets in the driver side and turns the AC as high as it can go.

"Just breathe," he assures while resting his hand on my knee. I nod and lean my head against the head rest. I close my eyes and breathe in and out.

The panic starts to fade, but I feel off.

Egan moves his hand up and down my knee and I make that my only focus.

"Better?" Egan asks.

I turn to look at him and smile. I missed him.

"For the most part," I reply.

"Do you want to go back in?" he questions. I see Pierson standing in the doorway, watching us.

The panic begins to build again.

"Kayde?" Egan demands, he thinks something happened between Pierson and I.

"No. Let's just go," I say, still looking at Pierson.

"What happened?" he pushes.

"Nothing," I shrug.

"I don't believe you," he urges.

"Okay, let's talk about it, at your house," I reply.

Pierson advances towards the truck, making me shift uncomfortably.

Egan notices and throws the truck the in reverse. He's slightly shaking as we drive down the road.

"You're shaking," I point out while putting my hand over his.

He doesn't respond. We reach the gate and he waves to the man working the booth.

"Kai's not at the booth," I think aloud.

"Kai?" he asks.

I hum in response. My eyes feel really heavy now that we are in the car. I pull my legs up to my chest and lean my head against the door. I'm falling into sleep before we even make it out of Starlight territory. 



Sorry Team Pierson ;)

Much Love,


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