Chapter 9

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It's five in the morning when we reach the gate for Starlight territory. I'm lying in the backseat so my head is behind the driver's seat, mostly to avoid Pierson being able to look at me from the driver's seat.

Images keep flashing to my mind of the way their eyes looked tonight when they were fighting. I cringe slightly as I remember the growling and how animal-like their teeth looked in that moment.

"Alpha," I hear a voice say when he rolls his window down.

"Is the future Luna with you?" the voice asks.

"Yes, she's laying in the back, it's been a long night," he replies.

"I can imagine. We have posted four guards at the house," he confirms.

"Who?" he asks.

"Rowan, Bode, Callahan, and Elliot," he lists.

"Thanks, Walker," he replies while rolling his window up and driving through the, now open, gate.

"Guards?" I hoarsely ask from the back seat. It's the first words I've spoken to him since he began driving.

"Security measure," Pierson vaguely responds.

"To keep me in or to keep others out?" I whisper.

I hear him inhale a small breath. He's calculating how to answer.

"Both," he finally settles on.

"I have class at 9," I remind him.

"Yes, I remember," he assures.

I sit up right as we are pulling into the driveway of Pierson's house.

I put my hand on the handle, but Pierson is already out and opening the door for me. I slide out of the Jeep and Rowan, the Beta, appears in front of us.

"Alpha," he nods at Pierson, "Future Luna," he nods at me.

"Hi Rowan," I offer but am looking up at Pierson as I say it.

"I'll get Kaydence settled and then we can talk," he says to Rowan.

"Of course," he agrees.

Pierson wraps his arm around me, which I slide out of. He settles on taking my hand and leading me inside.

When inside, there are three other men waiting in the living room.

"Alpha," they all nod.

"This is Kaydence," Pierson introduces. I give them a small wave.

"Bode," he points to the buff pale man in the corner. He is the shortest of the bunch. "Callahan," he continues while pointing to a tall fit man who favors Asian features. "Elliot," he introduces while pointing to a tall muscular African American man.

"They're all staying here?" I ask Pierson.

"Temporarily," he softly replies while touching my cheek.

I step back from him and then head upstairs. Maybe I can get a few more hours of sleep before class.

I hear Pierson excuse himself and begin climbing up the stairs. I am already lying in his bed with the comforter over my face.

The bed dips down making me sigh.

"I really want to get some more sleep before class," I say before he can speak.

I feel his hand go up the comforter like he is about to pull it down, but then it drops.

"Okay, I'll come up later to check on you," he replies. I hear the door click shut and then his footsteps softly disappear back downstairs.


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