Chapter 16

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I lead Kai to the other tunnel.

"Where will this take us?" I ask as we begin walking.

"I thought you knew where we were going?" he questions.

"Nope. I wasn't lying, Egan didn't let me see the routes," I reply.

"Then why did you insist on changing paths?" he presses.

"I know this is the right way, I just don't know where it leads to," I explain.

He narrows his eyes at me, it reminds me of Pierson.

"If you wanted to know about the routes you should have kidnapped Egan," I add.

"And if you want to get there anytime soon, pick up the pace," he demands while grabbing my arm to keep up with him.

I have to jog to keep myself up right.

"How many are there?" I ask.

"What?" he asks while slowing slightly, so I can keep up.

"How many became rouges to go get their mate back?" I rephrase.

"Six, but there has been at least a dozen that have escaped through the route," he answers while looking back at me.

His grip on my arm tightens, somethings not right.

"Who is there?" a voice calls.

I look to Kai who is warning me with his eyes.

"Kaydence Evans," I call back anyway.

"No shit?" says the guy who comes into view.

"It's really me," I say confidently.

"I've been waiting forever for Egan to finally introduce you," he tells me while getting closer.

He has strawberry blonde hair and dark green eyes.

"It's complicated," I nervously laugh.

"Yeah, I can't believe we have a split Luna, I'm Grey by the way," he introduces.

"Kaydence, and this is-," I start to say but pause.

"Kai," Grey finishes for me with a growl. He grabs my arm and pushes me behind him.

"Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," Kai begins to say while advancing towards us.

Grey presses a button and an alarm starts to blare through the tunnels. The lights are blinking in sets of three in true SOS fashion.

The alarm beeps three times and then the sound cuts, but the lights are still flashing.

"How about we do this the rational way," I suggest while attempting to move around Grey.

"Luna, stay behind me," Grey pleads while holding out his arm to block me.

"Listen to what she has to say," Kai argues.

Growls erupt through the tunnel as what I'm assuming is backup surrounding us.

"Grey, please. Kai and I have a plan?" Grey snaps his head toward me and eyes me questionably.

"If we all walk back to the basement, I will talk to Egan and Pierson. Kai can talk to his guys," I tell Grey.

Grey turns to Kai who nods.

"Fine, let's move," he shouts while directing everyone to head back.

Two guys grab Kai on either side and begin to walk back the way we came. I follow behind them and Grey walks beside me.

"So, what is this plan?" Grey curiously asks while effectively breaking through the silence.

"Let's call it the Kaydence escape," I laugh while glancing over at him.

"Sure," he agrees.

"So, everyone who wants to escape will still have that option, but first they have to go through a trial period with their mate. Basically, what I'm doing with Egan and Pierson. Then once the trial period is over if they still want to leave, they can," I tell him.

"Starlight won't let them leave," Grey scoffs.

"Pierson agreed to let me leave," I remind.

"Tell him about your lessons though," Kai adds from in front of us.

"I would be willing to talk to the mates and debunk the myths about werewolves," I say.

"You guys decided all this after he kidnapped you?" Grey questions in disbelief.

"Pretty much," I say over Kai's, "Yep."

"So where were you trying to go?" Grey asks.

"Our first stop was to get Alivia," I shrug.

"You didn't know about the checkpoints," Grey follows along.

"Don't look at me, I was a hostage," I reply.

"We didn't know much about the routes, I was told to take the right, but that one back there convinced me otherwise," Kai hints.

"The right would've taken you to the border," Grey confirms. "But the left is where the escapees go. There are 2 check points this way. The second one has a driver to take you the rest of the way to the program site," Grey answers.

That must be why the left felt like the right way.

"Do you remember Alivia?" I ask Grey.

"Alivia Tate," he nods.

"How is she doing?" I ask.

"She wants to come home, we convinced her to stay the rest of this week and if she still wants to come back, we will discuss it," he reveals.

"Is that common? For them to want to come back?" I ask.

"They leave everything they know. We try to set them up a university and in support groups, some don't take to it like others do," he replies.

"Interesting," I nod.

We fall into silence as we continue to walk forward. It's a fast walk, but I'm keeping up.

I'm trying to piece through how this is going to play out once we return. Will the other rouges listen to us? How will Pierson and Egan react?

I begin sweating at the thought of a fight breaking out before we can attempt to explain it to them.


The Kaydence escape..? ;)

Much Love,


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