Part 7 🌶️🥵

Start from the beginning

"My bad, you looking fine as hell," i admit to her. She smiles and tries not to make eye contact with me. Her smile makes me want to make her smile all the time cause she looks hella beautiful when she does.

"Thank you, you too Cassius," she says which low key had a nigga smiling too hard not gonna lie.

I opened the door and let her in whilst getting a glimpse of her ass. At this point i'm just trying to control my urges and get through this date.

I go to the drivers seat and she types in the address of the mac and cheese place on the GPS.

We reach this diner called Lani's which isn't too far from where she stays, i assume she comes here all the time. She gets out of the car excitedly before i get the chance to open the door for her and pulls me by my hand like a little kid into the diner before i lock the car.

"Yo chill it's just mac and cheese," i say laughing at how excited she was. She looks so adorable with how tiny she is.

"Trust me you won't be saying that after you taste it," she assures me giving me a wink.

The waitress comes with the food, i order mac and cheese obviously and some fries on side. Ayesha orders the same with a milkshake too.

"Damn," i say taking a bite of the steaming hot mac and cheese. Ayesha was right i had never tasted mac and cheese this good i couldn't have enough of it.

"What did i say to you huh? What did a bitch say," she says feeling all proud that she was right.

"Man why you always getting food on your lips, can't take your goofy ass nowhere," i say getting a paper towel on the table and wiping the milkshake on her lip. She is sitting opposite me but the distance is not that big i am able to reach her easily.

"No need to get shy about it mama i'm just playing," i assure her after wiping her seeing that she seems a little embarrassed about it.

"Yeah whatever i know you love it here," she says and i can't lie i do.

The date goes on and i'm honestly having a great time. I feel like i could talk to her for hours and that's what actually happens. We end up talking til the place closes at 5pm since today was a weekend and they close earlier.

"You wanna go home?," she asks me as we exit the diner after we had a fuss about who's paying for the food. Of course i was going to pay but she also wanted to pay. We ended up paying for our own meals even though i insisted i pay. I kinda like how independent she is cause i'm used to bitches using me for my money even though i don't have a problem with spoiling her

"Nah, not yet honestly do you? i asked he hoping she would say no to and thankfully she shakes her head no.

"What you wanna do?," i ask.

"We could go back to my place and play video games or not...we can do whatever you want it's cool," she quickly adds the last part and i'm honestly down with anything as long as i'm with her then there's no biggie. Wasn't even thinking about fucking her no more.

Of course i am.

We get in the car and drive to her apartment.

"No way you think Brent Fiayaz is better than Frank Ocean!" she says unlocking her apartment continuing the debate we had been having whilst from the diner up til now. I don't even give a damn on whose better between these two niggas, i just want to push her buttons, she looks a cute when she's angry.

I sit on her couch and she asks if i want anything to drink.

"Nah i'm just about ready to whoop your ass in Mortal Combat that's all," i say getting the controller that was on the table.

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