Anything to keep her (Maudie X Ezra)

Start from the beginning

"S-sure." I replied. "Where do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking that we could go to Bakery Queen and try their new strawberry and cheese cream puffs." Maudie said.

"Sure. Schools finally out, we can go out and have more fun now." I smiled.

"I suppose." Maudie replied.

"Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love school. But sometimes it gets overwhelming and it's nice to just have a long break." I said.

"Same here, I'm quite excited." Maudie smiled. "Especially now I get to spend it with my boyfriend."

I flinched once she said that.

My heart started beating like crazy.

Maudie got closer to my face, her smile getting wider.

"That's you." Maudie whispered.

She was so close; I can feel her warm breath on my chin.

For a 5-foot 3-inch girl who's not even trying, she can be intimidating.

"I-I'm aware." I muttered.

I took a deep breath and got myself together

"Let's head to Bakery Queen, shall we?" Maudie asked.

I nodded.

Time skip to when they are at Bakery Queen, sitting down and eating creampuffs...

Okay this is my chance,

I need to do something romantic.

Even though I don't want to...

but I don't want to lose Maudie either.

She's special to me.

She makes me so happy, and I like her a lot.

Maybe I should start by holding her hand.

That seems easy.

While Maudie drank her Frappuccino, I took action.

At a snail's pace, I inched my hand towards Maudie's from underneath the table.

I felt queasy in the stomach.

This is nerve wrecking,

maybe I'm not ready for a relation-

Then I noticed that

Maudie was staring right at me,

Her head leaning against her hand,

with a smug smirk on her face.

"You're trying to hold my hand, aren't you?" Maudie asked.

My hand froze.


my whole body froze.

I was absolutely flabbergasted by what she had said.

Then, I felt Maudie's hand on mine.

"Why'd you stop?" Maudie asked. "I don't mind."

It's like she has a third eye.

"I-i-i..." I murmured.

Then she suddenly started laughing.

"You've been acting odd all day, and I'm sorry for laughing. It's just that your reactions are quite humorous and entertaining." Maudie said.

"O-oh, I am?" I asked

"Yup, so what's the problem?" Maudie asked, putting on a comforting smile. "I'm serious now."

"There's nothing." I lied.

"Are you sure?" Maudie asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Are you really sure?" Maudie asked, getting closer.

"Yes, I'm very sure." I said as I felt beads of sweat rolling down my forehead.

"Are you absolutely very sure?" Maudie asked stubbornly.

Her face was basically 2-3 inches away from mine.

Then she leaned back and crossed her arms.

"Well, if you don't want to tell me, it's f-" Maudie said.

"The whole day I've been trying to do something romantic to keep you interested in me because Mario told me that girls don't just stick with guys who do nothing, and I really don't want to lose you because I'm so boring and not romantic." I blurted out.

What I just did was simply idiotic.

Maudie looked stunned for a second.

Then she gripped my hand tighter.

"Ezra, you don't have to do something romantic just to keep me interested in you. I love you just the way you are. And I like how we are now, there's no need to rush things." Maudie said.

My eyes widened.

"You love me?" I asked.

Maudie was taken aback once she realized what she had said.

"I-i...." Maudie stuttered.

For a small moment there, she lost her usual calm composure.

Then she took a deep breath and smiled.

"Yes, I love you."

I completely froze.

Then I realized.

Maudie is a teenage girl,

but not a regular one.

"I l-love you too." I said.

Maudie's smile got bigger.

I caressed the back of Maudie's hand with my thumb.

"And I promise, I will make you very happy." I said.

"I know you will." She replied. "I will make you happy too."

Oh my god, we are being so cheesy right now..

but honestly,

I don't really mind..

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