"I'll be careful, I promise, okay? And don't worry I'll drop you home myself, feel free to blame me for going home late then." Yijin said, smiling as he looked down.

"Fine. By the way, are you going with me to Min Chae's second birthday party? I need to RSVP by tomorrow." Heedo said.

Sighing, Yijin answered, "I'll go, if her godmother must be there, then her godmother's boyfriend will be present as well. It's on Saturday right?"

"Yeah, thank you. I know how difficult it is for you to do this." Heedo said, her tone grateful. Sighing again, Yijin replied, "you obviously care about this, I can't say no to excited Heedo. I'll hang up, my attention is needed here. Rainbows and Hearts."

"Rainbows and Hearts. Don't forget the frui-"

"Fruits, ice cream and cookies, got it. Bye." Yijin replied and laughed.

Ending the call, Heedo smiled at the phone before answering Seung Wan who was calling her attention from boredom. There are a short commercial playing in between the drama. "Why do you guys say Rainbows and Hearts? I've always been curious about it." Seung Wan asked, offering her a strawberry before grabbing the last one.

Smiling, Heedo replied, "Because that's what we are." Even more confused and wanting to question further, Seung Wan noticed her friend was taken by memories and left her, shaking her head. This one is a lost cause, she thought.


After the owners of the house as well as Yijin returned, they were roundly kicked out in the midst of plenty of "thank yous" and "we'll talk". Grabbing their wife and girlfriend, Yijin and Yihyun chatted as the girls giggled and exchanged lines about the drama episode they just watched. After dropping off Seung Wan and Yihyun who had a work party and couldn't drive, Yijin drove Heedo home.

On arriving at her house, the two stayed in the car chatting, reluctant to let the other go. Running out of things to talk about, they sat in comfortable silence as they dwelled on their own thoughts. Eventually making a decision, they turned to each other and spoke at the same time:

"Can I follow you home tonight?"
"Will you marry me?"

Pausing, they looked at each other and laughed, finding each other silly. Recovering first, Heedo spoke surprised, "You proposed?"

"Yes, I did. What do you think?" Yijin replied, his eyes bellying his nervousness.

"Do you think we are ready for it? I feel like we will be more disappointed in each other if we fail at it." Heedo answered, fidgeting with her house keys.

"Well I can't speak about everything but what I know. And I know that we love each other, we will not betray each other and we will give our best to be together and keep our promises, no matter what. I think that's enough." Yijin returned, holding her hand and kissing it reassuringly.

"Alright, but I want a short engagement so that I don't give up halfway." Heedo said, smiling as he realized she just consented.

After hugging each other and exchanging affections for a while, Yijin reached for his glove compartment and grabbed a ring box, turning to face Heedo once again.

"I bought this ring on the day of Seung Wan and Yihyun's engagement party. I was determined that if we met again, I will do everything in my power to prove my love for you again, and when you wanted me, to marry you." Opening the ring box to reveal a diamond ring with a yellow centre piece and a simple band, he continued, "I know you will always think of your gold medal as your greatest achievement, thus the yellow diamond, but I hope you will yourself free reign to dream and to be happy with me and I promise to be in love with you everyday. I love you, Na Heedo."

Smiling and tearful, Heedo answered at a whisper, "I love you more."

A/N:  *clears dust* 🧹🧹🧹🧹
Sorry hehehe 😅. I know, life has been lifing. I hope you enjoy the chapter though. There's one more chapter before we say our goodbyes and I let YiDo live in their own world. Till then, please check out my other works. Live and Love 💕💕💕

PS. This is Heedo's ring, I think it's lovely

 This is Heedo's ring, I think it's lovely

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