Thirty-Five, Thirty-One

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As Baek Yijin walked through the hallways of the karaoke building, he couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu. He was certain that they had not hung out in such an establishment in their youth but he couldn't shake the feeling of 'I've seen this before'.

Funnily enough, Yihyun had popped the question before Seung Wan could so they had exchanged rings and Seung Wan of course, 'jumped' him. Yihyun, blushing to his ears, had invited his hyung to their mini karaoke engagement party. After much teasing, Yijin had agreed to attend and congratulated his brother. He was so proud of the young man he was becoming.

Seeing him earnestly living his dreams; becoming a dental surgeon, dating the girl of his dreams, it made Yijin believe and have hope again. Yijin glanced at his phone once again, to confirm the room number, and have something to do. He was willing to admit that he was worried; today was his physical meeting with Na Heedo ten years apart.

Ten years loving the same woman, being concerned about her, directing your concern about her to everyone you shared her with except her. Yijin was not proud of his obsessive mother hen concern about Na Heedo; he could not describe his behavior as intelligent... more diligent rather, if you will.

So he was genuinely nervous to see her again. Would she be happy to see him? Unconcerned? Sad?


Heedo knew she couldn't avoid Yijin forever; for Pete's sake, he was Yihyun's brother and Seung Wan's friend, she especially could not avoid meeting him on a day like this since he helped the couple meet and reunite. All of a sudden, Heedo felt like all her time spent avoiding personal encounters with Yijin was futile.

It wasn't like she had not run into him over the years; From the ringing of the New Year bell ceremony the year she won Olympic gold to the varied international sports meet that UBS covered. It's just that she managed to slip away before he saw her or luckily someone else was in charge of interviews for the fencing team.

They were also days when she felt like running to him; when she won her gold medals, when she bought her first house, when her first investment yielded and she felt adulty... when he cried on TV during his final report on the 9/11 Bombing, when he became anchor at UBS... When she saw him during her final interview as an Olympic fencer.

Here she was, seated in a room full of people she loved and some who loved the people she loved, dressed in the shortest skirt in her closet (because Seung Wan insisted that they wear it. Even Go Yurim had a short flair gown on; Ji Woong has been glaring at Seung Wan and the 'flies' approaching his pregnant 'honey' for the last hour) and she was thinking, am I finally ready to face my regrets head on?

Well, she thought as the door opened to let Yijin's tall frame in, it doesn't matter any more because fate has decided for me...


Anxiety, guilt, sadness, pain, regret. Yijin had been prepared to feel all of this when he walked into the Karaoke room Yihyun had booked. What he had not prepared for was relief.

On entering the room, Yijin recalled a careless night so many years ago, when Na Heedo walked into the private room at a club where he and his 'friends' were hanging out. She had been dressed similarly, only that her hair was longer, her makeup was definitely better, she had filled out nicely if that shapely thigh was anything to go by....

Yijin snapped out of his thoughts to find himself in the embrace of Yihyun with Ji Woong standing by. He returned the hug and turned to hug Ji Woong, "Hyung," Ji Woong said, "try to control it okay? Yurim and I will create an opportunity for you two to be alone. No need for thanks."

Yijin shook his head at Ji Woong but eventually sighed as the young man pretended not to understand him. Patting his shoulder, Ji Woong introduced him around the room while Yihyun went to call his fiance. The room had roughly twenty people, most of whom were Seung Wan's friends as everyone in the industry knew she had trendy friends. Well, two Olympians, a CEO and a news anchor as friends was certainly an impressive social capital.

Yihyun, on the other hand, just invited two close friends and was pleased with it; although if his friend didn't stop talking to Go Yurim soon, he was certain Moon Ji Woong would have him smuggled out on a boat to the Artic Circle with the way he was watching him. Yihyun's other close friend who had a major crush on Yijin, had closed in on him after Yijin sat down and was hanging on to his every word like a puppy. Seung Wan saved the day when she came forward to say hello and settled Yijin next to Yurim. After that, it was mostly people who came to gain some experience from the news anchor who approached him.

The night, by small parties standards, went well. Nobody drank enough to embarrass themselves before leaving because they wanted to keep a certain image. Eventually, people started going home, first of which was Ji Woong and Yurim. As they were Heedo's ride, Ji Woong made up an excuse (which the other friends saw through) to have Yijin follow them. If Yijin had learnt anything from his long career as a news person, it was taking advantage of opportunities, obvious or not.

Getting into the Jeep next to Heedo, he wore his belt as he watched Ji Woong help Yurim into the front seat before taking his seat. Internally he sighed, these were the kids who washed rice with soap and grilled meat in a frying pan; all grown up. I feel old, he thought, as he smiled at Yurim from the mirror to inquire if she was okay. She nodded and he looked away, happening to catch Heedo's eyes. She looked away almost immediately, looking at everything but him.

Getting to their house area, Yurim complained that she was tired. Being as their place was five streets away, Heedo offered to take a shortcut to her mom's house from the closest bus stop. Coming down at the bus stop, she waved her goodbyes and walked off towards the alley, trying desperately to rid her mind of the thousand thoughts pouring forth all at once. She had met Yijin today, she had been in the same room as him again, entered a vehicle with him again, saw his expressions up close again... and she was grateful to see him again.

At the end of the alley still occupied with her thoughts, she heard hurried footsteps behind her. Turning around, she saw Baek Yijin breathing hard and supporting himself with a hand to his waist. Although she was startled, she couldn't help but laugh a bit. Well, age is no respecter of handsomeness.

"Heedo ya," Yijin said, after joining her in the laughter and walking up to her, "I'll walk you home."

So sorry, been busy and blocked 😅
That said, I'm doing two updates to repent 😁
What do you think? 😁 Let me know in the comments. Live and Love!!!

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