Hope Lives Here!

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"Na Heedo, grab a ginger ale for me, thanks!"

Seung Wan called after Heedo's retreating figure that was heading towards the kitchen. They were currently at Ji Woong and Yurim's house babysitting Moon Hee Jin, their six months old daughter. The couple had taken advantage of an awards night to honour Ji Woong's achievements as a businessman, to go on a date and spend some time together.

"Here. Yah, leave Yurim a message. They should grab some fruits from the grocery store, these are the last strawberries." Heedo said, walking past Seung Wan, bowl of fruits in hand and joining her on the living room rug. Seung Wan had volunteered to babysit their niece since it was her day off and Heedo had joined her after work since Yijin was on a work trip.

"Yah, just tell Sunbae to pick some up. Don't disturb them, it's been a while since they had some alone time." Seung Wan replied, her hand reaching for the bowl that Heedo pushed towards her.

"Alright, alright. I'll call Sunbae. Ahjumma, do you know you are more long-winded these days since you got married? Yurim too." Heedo retorted cheekily, rolling away from Seung Wan who was swatting at her.

"Tch, hateful. Then you get married to Sunbae so we can all be long-winded together. Meanie. Call Sunbae!" Seung Wan snapped, grabbing the remote to increase the volume on the drama she was watching. Choi Young was swearing to return Yoo Eun Soo to her timeline once she healed the Queen and everything settled down.* She was so invested, she ignored the face Heedo made at her.

(*A/N: remember they were in 2011 in the previous chapter. This is months after in August 2012)

Heedo dialed Yijin's number and when it connected, she sighed unconsciously at his voice. There was just something about his voice that made her feel like she was being hugged and she remembered their payphone conversations. These days, they regularly left each other voice messages in cased they missed the other in the morning, or when an emergency came up. Those voice notes were her accompaniment to sleep most days.

"Na Heedo, are you missing me?" Yijin teased on his end, as he strolled to a secluded part of the set. He had been invited to do an exclusive interview on some inmates who were punished by an unfair law that was currently under debate in the National Assembly. The major supporters of the law were also being interviewed and he was minutes away from leaving the main set when Heedo called.

"Baek Yijin ssi, this arrogance of yours cannot be fixed anymore if you don't fight it." At her words, he chuckled and asked, "what's up? How are my favorite girls?" "Well, one of them is acting crazy while watching Lee Min Ho, one of them is asleep and the other wants fruits, ice cream and cookies." Heedo replied, twisting her body like a twisted donut* much to the disgust of Seung Wan.

*(Kkwabaegi is a popular snack in South Korea)

"Hmm, well, kiss the sleeping one for me, tell the crazy fan that she's married and the ice cream loving baby gets what she wants as long as she can wait for two hours." Seung Wan annoyed at the last statement, replied, "Hey, Lee Min Ho is God's gift to us okay?!" Laughing, Heedo walked away from the living room to the veranda while keeping up with  their conversation, "You're finally done right? You don't have to go back next week again?"

Waving at a passing colleague, Yijin answered, sighing, "Well, the rest of the work left is in Seoul. So that will be all I guess. Don't worry, I'm alright. I've been taking care of myself and I didn't catch a cold okay?" On his last trip, Yijin had completed his report while battling a fever. He had to leave his car and return in the staff vehicle which had ultimately taken him to the hospital when he fainted from the fever. He woke up to a pissed off Heedo and was an obedient as a lamb while she scolded him. Angry Heedo was a sight to behold as long as the anger was not directed at you. His juniors had choked on their laughter at him being scolded when she cut a glare at one of them foolish enough to make his presence known with a giggle.

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