Of Answers and Happiness

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"I think I need to spend more time away from a desk." Yijin said, taking a swig of the drink in his hands. Heedo giggled and replied, "Don't worry, I'm sure Moon Ji Woong still thinks you're beautiful." At that, Yijin side-eyed her with pursed lips as if saying 'really' while she just laughed deeper.

Earlier, Heedo stepped to the side in welcome and kept pace with him. They walked in a comfortable silence that only adulthood could achieve until they reached the park on the same street as Heedo's house. "Can we rest for a bit?" Heedo said, "I don't mind resting my legs." She continued, making herself comfortable on the park bench. Yijin smiled his acquiescence and joined her, offering her a drink from the bag he was holding.

"Yurim gave this to me" Yijin said, holding up the bag. "She said we might need it." He smiled fondly again and looked away, taking a swig of the pine and honey water he was holding. From what anyone could guess, Heedo being Heedo has chosen the straight forward approach: talk things out.

For the next hour, they updated each other about their lives; from work achievements to family milestones, they spoke about everything.

"I still don't understand why Yurim loves this drink." Heedo said, shaking her head with fondness at the drink. Pine water with honey was not 'the way'. Knowing Heedo mentioned the drink because their topics were gradually getting heavier, Yijin placed his drink on the park bench in between them and faced her.

"Ah fine. Just ask the questions, reporter style." Heedo said. Yijin paused and retorted cheekily, "but I'm an anchor now." "Eh, whatever! You were a reporter before you were an anchor. Come on!" Heedo said, getting excited about it despite being the subject of the questioning. "Alright, here goes" Yijin muttered, trying to get into his element with accompanying giggles from Heedo.

"Hello and welcome viewers to UBS' Update on our Lives" insert stifled giggles from the only audience member. "I am Reporter Baek Yijin and with me here is Ms. Na Heedo." He finished, gesturing to her. She shook her head to get serious and waved at the non-existent audience.

"Ms. Na Heedo, we have some questions for you. How is your relationship with your mum these days?" Like a punch to the solar plexus, the question hit the spot and Heedo lost some of her jocular vibe. "Pretty good actually," she replied, uncrossing and crossing her legs while placing her hands on her knees. "We have been spending a lot more time together and understand each other better. She plans to lecture at a preparatory school for show business and she supports my furniture making. I guess we are at the best we could be. You?"

Yijin tightened his hand on the imaginary microphone he was holding and recalled what years of therapy had thought him: sharing your thoughts, opinions and details with people you love makes them feel valued. "Well," he started as naturally as he could, "I bought a house for my family and we're finally living together once again. I live mostly at an apartment close to work but I try to go home on the weekends. My parents are also doing great."

Seeing him share so much about himself made her realize that she wasn't the only one who had changed. "Okay, Ms. Heedo, talk to us about Kim Jun Ho. What's up with that?" He said, softening the blow of the question. "What's up with that? Seriously? I doubt my mum ever asked such a question." Heedo replied jokingly, giving herself time to organize her thoughts.

"Hey, don't dump on me. Sunbae is a shark on the food chain, I'm just a wily sea lion who happened by okay?" He said, laughing at himself and going along with it. After a short, telling silence, Heedo responded, "I didn't feel married. With him, I-I didn't feel married. Most of the time, I felt like an imposter, like a child playing house. When we dated, we never fought, never did things we liked personally around each other. Our friends really, only met up at our wedding. Our lives were completely separate even though we were married and sharing a roof. At the time, it didn't matter because we were both busy with fencing. But as we got closer to retirement, I think we started having cold feet and realizing the faults in our relationship. We honestly were better as friends." Heedo said, speaking, thinking and agreeing with the words she had previously not said out loud.

Wasn't it funny? She broke up with Yijin because he didn't share enough of himself with her and broke promises but she went on to do the same in her marriage and with her friends. It suddenly dawned on her, the caution her friends had used in relating with her about her relationship with Kim Jun Ho and she was apologetic. No wonder Seung Wan was frustrated with me, she thought.

"Well, your turn. Any serious relationship?" Heedo asked despite knowing the answer. "None." Yijin said quietly, introspective about Heedo's answer from earlier. He felt like he heard what she had not mentioned and suddenly felt sad about it. Yijin seriously, he thought to himself, you're the only man who is sad that a woman they like had a bad previous relationship. He continued, thoughtfully, "Time is too precious to waste with the wrong person, my therapist says. I did date a few times..." "Yes, Seung Wan told me about the actress and Ahn Ye Bin." Heedo said mockingly, wriggling her brows at him.

Yijin laughed and looked down. Thinking of something, he turned to her, "Speaking of Kim Jun Ho," he said, as Heedo pointed at his hand which he immediately folded into an imaginary microphone once again, a slight smile in his eyes although he nervously swallowed, "did he cheat on you?"

She expected it but nothing prepared her for what he said. "Well, technically yes," she said, and Yijin muttered curse words under his breath. "But we were separated already so..." Heedo said quickly, nervous about his reaction. Yijin looked down, disappointed. "He cheated on you, why are you defending him? Are you not angry with him? About the pregnancy and the baby?"

Heedo responded, uncrossing her knees and bouncing on her heels, "I am... Well, I was, but not anymore. I mean, if he hadn't brought up the divorce, I would have. I spent half the time thinking about things, about you and I missed you and if my thinking about you was cheating on him, and....". Catching herself and replaying what she had just said, Heedo paused and looked away from Yijin, who was trying his best to shut his mouth after her revelation.

Heedo grabbed her bag and jumped to her feet, "I-I think I need to go home." Heedo took off, Yijin too dazed to notice. By the time he caught up with her, she was on the stairs at her house. "Ms. Na Heedo, one last question. Will you go on a date with me tomorrow evening?"

Heedo paused, shoulders arched and turned to observe him. He was breathing hard, his eyes determined as he held the imaginary microphone in front of her. Suddenly, Heedo thought of everything about them that she did first. She thought about their first fountain, their first phone message, their first kiss and their first break up. She was always the one asking first and doing things first. It was nice to be asked too.

Seeing that Heedo had not responded made Yijin want to take back his question. But, he thought, if she really didn't want to answer him, she would not have paused right? Determined, Yijin continued, "you can pick the time and place or anything just go out with me. I would love to have you go out with me."

Heedo returned to her senses and smiled, turned and walked up to her gate. "The gentleman should plan the date, he asked the lady first so he must do the needful accordingly." She said, all the while faced away from him. After that she strutted away, leaving Yijin in another daze. He could not have written today better than it happened.

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