"Written in the stars"

Start from the beginning

"Yes mom, I'll be back soon!" I said.

When I got out the car, I took out my phone to track her. Oh, I didn't mention connecting a tracker to her phone? HAHAHAH shit... So the GPS says that she's near a street called... *****....? What kind of street name is that? Okay let's go!!

WHERE THE HELL IS SHE??!! I'VE ROAMED AROUND THE CITY SEARCHING FOR THIS STREET NAMED AFTER A FETISH FOR 6 FUCKING HOURS BUT GEEZ I CAN'T EVEN GET THERE! I've asked countless people for directions but they keep saying "Oh it's right around the corner." WHEN IS THIS STRAIGHT LINE GONNA GO TO THE LEFT?! I also realized that it's this hot. Why did I bother coming here at a hot summer day?

Y/n's Point of view

"I can't believe you're leaving for month. What's so great about china? You always go there!!" Joy whines.

I can't believe I told her about my holiday to China. Sooyoung is the type that is stubborn as hell but she's a great friend if you ask me.

"She already told you that she's leaving for her lover boy~" Yeri teases me.

"Hey we haven't seen each other for a year now! If my dad didn't get me a scholarship, I would've moved with Myungho a few years back." I said.

"Did you tell your parents that you're going to China tho? I don't think they know about this. It's nerve wracking..." Seulgi looks around while holding her hands.

"Nope, if I told my parents that I'm going to China, I'd be dead by now. I went there for over 18 times now and kept using by brother's credit card to pay for stuff so why would they say yes?"

"What if they find out about you going to China?"

"I'm gonna be gone for a week, Sooyoung. I already told them earlier that I'm going with some friends at a school field trip. Well, I don't know if they read my text."

"Then you're not going, unni!" Yeri pulls me.

"Don't be ridiculous Kim Yerim. It's only for a week."

A taxi finally pulls up right in front of them. I get inside with my girlfriends and the driver loads the trunk with all of her bags.

"The bus station to Incheon."

"I thought you're gonna take the plane here." Seulgi looks at me.

"No, Incheon national airport is waaayy cheaper." I said.

We finally took off, the three of them went hysterical for my leave. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna leave forever.

"And remember when she first met Myungho? That dude was literally like "uhh..." Like oh my gosh, gladly his friend was there and translated everything for them. Yeri says.

"Too bad that we didn't see him. Not even once." Seulgi pouts

"Okay we get it! Y/n has a boyfriend, happy??"

"Are you jealous because crush didn't respond to to your confession yet?" I pushed Joy.

"Joy, babe what do you see in that guy? He's a fucking menace and is a frat boy." Yeri asked

"He's hot, duh." Joy answers.

"STOP THE CAR!" Seulgi yells.

The car stopped right away but even it did, we heard a bump near the hood.

"D-did we hit someone?" Joy gets out.

We all got out to see who we hit. It was a guy, laying on the ground holding his foot, he tuned to our directon and to my shock it was

"Myungho...?" Yeri holds his mouth.

"Myungho-yah..." I said.

"Argh... Surprise...?"

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