Scars (Dex & Biana)

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This can be read as Dexiana but it is not written as such. That's it for the pre chapter  author's note that nobody reads.

Day 1: scars

Biana caught her reflection in a hallway mirror while walking. She and the rest of team valiant were meeting with the council today but she had needed a moment away from the discussion. She was fine, she just needed a breather. As she looked at the mirror image of herself Biana found herself tracing the familiar web of scars that marked her skin.

It was a maze of scars, not of mirrors.

She didn't know when she'd sat down, her scars stinging, and at some point she had let some tears spill. She quickly wiped them away as footsteps were heard coming around the corner, it was Dex.

"Hey," Dex sat down beside her, "Are you... okay?"

"Mhm," Biana mumbled, "Just got something in my eye, that's all."

"Bi, it's okay to cry."

That set the waterworks flowing again, "they're still there Dex, the scars, they're still there."

"I know," he answered in a hushed tone, "What she did to you was... brutal, to say the least. We've all been through way too much, you're not alone," Dex lifted his shirt to expose the scars that marred his side, "I know you have way more than me but we can still be scar twins."

"That's from when you were kidnapped, isn't it."

Dex nodded, pulling back down his shirt. "Scars show that you went through a traumatic experience and came out of it stronger, that you survived, you survived Biana."

"I really did, didn't I?" Biana glanced at where Dex's scars were covered, "Does it ever hurt?"

"Phantom pain occasionally, I try not to think about it." He hesitated for a moment, "Whenever the memories are really bad I need to talk to someone or someone needs to get me to talk to them, also eating mallowmelt. Mallowmelt is always good."

"Your cure to trauma is mallowmelt."

Dex laughed nervously, "You're saying it like it's a bad thing."

"Mallowmelt is never a bad thing, and it works with Fitz's stress cooking. After we finish, do you want to come for some Mallowmelt at my place?"

"Sure," he shrugged, "Wonderboy stresscooks?"

She nodded, "I think it developed back when the echoes were active, how he baked while on crutches beats me but it's persisted since. We should head back."

"Yeah, we should, they're probably getting worried at this point."

Biana stood up and offered her hand to Dex who took it. "Hey, thanks for talking with me about stuff."

"There's no need to thank me," Dex showed his dimples, "I'm getting some free mallowmelt after this anyways."

Sorry it's short, but at the same time I am not sorry, like at all. 

Words: 450, woww

Keepers week!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon