7|| My back arched like a cat

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She lay on the bed and gave Adrien a look that reminded him of a scared deer, it was entertaining to say the least, but he also worried. "If you want this to end anytime, just say the word." He approached her laying in between her legs, just a couple of inches away for her sex.

She nodded, and give him a small smile, he returned it before turning his attention to her pussy, she shut her legs unconsciously, which he was having none of.

He wrapped his arms around her thighs and spread them, he looked up at her once more, "Are you trying to stop me from appreciating my wife's beautiful little cunt?" The growl that left his throat was not intended, but Marinette seemed to like it considering how she shivered.

"Tell me it's mine, tell me you're all mine." He spoke lowly, and he decided that at that moment while she's distracted would be the perfect time to begin teasing her.

His tongue made contact with her and she jolted, he toyed with her clit, giving just enough pressure to keep her intrigued but not enough for her to come. She was squirming, and panting, the noises she made were like Adrien's own brand of heroine, he could listen to them all day he decided.

When she didn't answer him, he pulled back, "Say it." He glared at her, her cheeks were flushed and her hair looked a little distressed.

She looked gorgeous like this, not that she didn't always look stunning, but her being a mess for him, it sent shivers down his spine.

"I-I'm yours." She stuttered out before she felt his fingers enter her, she whined "Adrien."

This caused him to chuckle lowly, "I've barely even touched you and here you are dripping, you're such a good girl princess." he stroked her G-Spot inside her before diving in, his tongue doing long languid strokes around her clit - never on it - he just wanted to tease her.

"Adrien please." She whimpered, and he felt his heart skip a beat, finally giving into her. His fingers never left her, still moving at a steady face inside her, trying to match the pace of his hands with his tongue. He felt her tighten around his fingers, and he looked up to see her pinching her nipples, her hips were beginning to move erratically and he pulled away.

She let out another whine, "Why?!" she was genuinely getting frustrated, he leaned over her capturing her lips in a soft kiss, "Because my dear wife, i'd much rather feel you come around my cock." He smiled down at her.

"Then hurry up and get to it!" She demanded, and he laughed. "So demanding." He pulled back from her, and began to undress, and as he stood in his full naked glory, Marinette realised just how ripping and big he was, she bit her lip and he noticed.

"See something you like?" He joked, not intending her to reply so seriously, so he blushed a little when she replied, "I see something I like a lot." in a seductive tone.

He crawled on top of her, "Condoms or are you on the pill?" he placed a kiss to her cheek, and stroked it once he pulled back.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm on the pill, now hurry up'" he narrowed his eyes, he let her away with it the first time, but she was so demanding.

He gave her ass a light tap, "Keep demanding, and see what happens."

"I'm sorry." She squeaked out, "I just need you inside me, please." She gave him the best puppy dogs eyes she could muster, and he smiled.

With a "Good Girl.", and a slight thrust of the hips, he slid into her wet pussy, not moving his eyes off her, her eyes widened, and the grip on her shoulders intensified.

His thrusting began to speed him, as he felt her moan and wither beneath him.

"You're so fucking right, jesus." he grunted out, as he laid back, not leaving her cunt. He watched her boobs bounce, and how she squeezed her eyes shut, a wicked idea entered him as he wrapped his hand around her neck, his other staying on her hips.

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