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***A.N. if we do not yet have proheros names I will use the name's of there Japanese voice actors, at this time.***

**Aizawa's Pov with over view of three weeks**
After the detective left the room Chiyo came into the room to let us all know what was going on with Sora. There was a lot from her stand point, and it will take some time to get her healthy, but Zashi and I decided that we would help her get well. Right now we need to work on getting her to a proper weight, and rehydrated. She was only around  17kg, which was the size of a four year old child. She had multiple incorrectly healed broken bones, which were eventually going to need surgery, but we want her at a proper weight and health soon. She has phenomena and needed several rounds of antibiotics.
Then it took us some time, but we found that the experiments All for One and his goons did on her gave her multiple quirks. She has wings that can retract in and out of her back, and she can fly, she has nitroglycerin sweat and can use it too make fire and explosions, she had a neko quirk that gives her a permanent tale and cat ears but lets her turn into a cat, of multiple varieties, at her will, and the one that surprised us all is she has the same quirk as All Might known as One For All.
We were not able to find her birth family, but it didn't take Hizashi and me long to decide that we needed her as our own pup, especially when she attached herself to me and started calling me mama, which I would normally be pissed about, but she was so cute and had never really had anything. We also had to have Inui give her a psychological evaluation because of everything she has been through, and now we know that she is autistic, has PTSD, anxiety, add, and sever abandonment issues. She is always within reach of Hizashi or myself afraid that something will happen and we will no longer be here.
It took a week for All Might to get back to us and it was then that we found out her full story. She had been kidnapped around the time of her birth, and experimented on to turn her into something, what we are not sure, and when they failed whatever they were trying to do to her the killed, or turned, their other victim her 'father' into a monster, and got rid of her throwing her into a omega ring. Her father had been the most interesting thing to me though, as he had taught her a lot while she was with him. He had taught her multiple languages, how to read, how to write, basic math, science, literature, and health. She is really brilliant at least in the book sense, and she loves to read, but she hasn't been exposed to any social interaction that would help her in life.
"Mama," Sora called tugging on my pants leg. "Where are you going?" She asked with wide eyes I had gotten dressed while Zashi was feeding her breakfast.
"I've got to run to my work today. School starts back in a week from winter break, and I have to talk to our principal." I said gently crouching down to her level. She through her arms around my neck so that I would hold her. I picked her up walking into the living room.
"I don't want mamma to leave." She whimpered burying her head into my neck.
"Don't worry you and papa are coming to, if Hizashi gets off his ass and gets dressed." I said raising my voice at the end to get Zashi's attention. He looked up and gave me that thousand watt smile.
"Don't worry my loves all I have to do is change my shirt and brush my hair out." He said standing up already mostly dressed and walking towards up as he booped Sora's nose making her giggle gleefully. I couldn't hide the smile that the two of them gave me. I carried Sora into the room we had allotted as hers, though she slept between the two of us. I quickly pulled a black shirt that said 'don't talk to me my dad's are better' and a pair of ripped up black jeans out and got her dressed. She smiled when she saw the shirt. Nem bought it for her the second she found out that we were going to be adopting her. Nemuri had tried to start forming a bond with Sora, but Sora wasn't haveing it. Several times Nemuri had gotten to close despite Sora's warnings and gotten bitten.
"We are going to your and papas work?" Sora asked tillting her head.
"Will there be a lot of people there?"
"Not really. School doesn't start back until next week so right now it's just the teachers, which all teachers at U.A. are proheros, so you will be perfectly safe." I said walking into the livingroom with her.
"I don't want them to touch me. Like aunt ne-nem-nemu" she couldn't get Nemuri's name out. I chuckled softly as Hizashi walked into the room as well. I ruffled her soft hair, which had taken four hours to detangle.
"Don't worry listener we will tell them not to touch you. Sorry Nem keeps trying." Zashi said walking up to us with a small blue coat that we had picked up. He quickly put it onto Sora her letting a soft giggle out when he softly tickled her sides in 'accident'. "You ready?" He asked looking up at me. My perfect family. I nodded me head as Sora jumped up her arms outstretched for Hizashi obiovously wanting to be picked up. She loved being held by us, hound dog said that it was probably because she was only given bad attention after her father's 'death'. He quickly picked her up and sat her on his shoulders with a grin and looked over to me.
"I am, did you give Sora her medicine?" I asked grabbing my own jacket.
"Yes, she took it with breackfast." He responded happily. I nodded as he grabbed the keys and we started to walk out. When we got to the car he quickly got Sora off his shoulders and buckled her into her car seat. Sora started to freak out not liking being confined but I quickly climbed into the back seat with her calming her fears and holding her hand.
"Momma, I don't like this." Sora said tears still in her wide eyes as she looked at me unsure in the seat and pushing on the straps that are on her chest.
"I know kitten, but it's to keep you safe on the car ride." I said reasuring her.
"Still don't like it." She huffed her cheeks turning red. I couldn't help but chuckle at her she was truely adorable.
"Would it help if I turned the music on?" Hizashi asked Sora nodded her head having fallen in love with music thanks to him. "What would you like to listen to?" He asked while laughing. It only took her a second to cheer out some band before quirks. She loved pre-quirk area things. Hizashi rolled her window down a little so that she could feel a breeze and Sora watched as the world passed around her outside the car. She seemed to start enjoying herself as the car ride passed pointing out things she had never seen before and turning towards me excitedly and telling me about the things, as though I hadn't known of these things before as well.
"Can we go there someday Momma?" Sora asked pointing to a beach, which was covered in garbage, but she had just been excited about the ocean water.
"Maybe not that one, but we can go to the beach one day." I said smiling at the sparkle in her eye. She smiled out giddily and flapped her left hand up and down softly.
"Soon?" She asked excitment radiating off of her. Hizashi laughed from the front seat looking back at her through the mirror as we pulled up to the school.
"Remember when we told you that you are going to need several surgeries to fix your bones?" He asked.
"Yeah it's cause the bad men broke them and they healed wrong so Ms. Recover Girl has to rebreak them and fix them the right way again." She said quietly.
"How about for since you have to to through all of that we take a trip to the beach after your all better? What do ya think?" He asked Sora nodded her head happily.
"Please, papa!" She said a he parked the car. I unbuckled myself before unbuckling Sora. She was so small it was easy to mistake her for a much younger child than she is, but she has intelligence far beyond her age. I got out of the car as Sora climbed out of her seat and over to my side of the car. She reached up for me a lot like she had Zashi earlier and I picked her up. She settled herself on my hip happily nuzzeling her face into my scarf. She got very quiet, probably already over whealmed being in a new place. "Papa?" she called out looking for Zashi as we began to walk into the school.
"I'm right here listener." He said walking up behind me, and patting Sora on the head.
"Don't leave momma and me please." She asked her voice quiet. She had really started to trust both of us and wanted us both with her at all times, but it was hard at times. It was obvious that she was quiet neverus going into a place she didn't know. It only took us a few monments to get to the staff room. When we entered the room Sora hid in my scraf almost completly, at least her head anyway. Eveyone paused and looked over at us and several awwed at the sight of Sora.
"Good morning Yamada, Aizawa." Cementos said acknowledging us.
"Shota! Hizashi! Little Sora!" Nemuri exclaimed running to us Sora's eyes emidently narrowed as her head snapped towards where Nemuri was coming from. Sora let a loud his out balling up to get ready incase she needed to fight to get away. Zashi steeped infront of us to keep Nem away from us.
"Slow down there Nem you know Sora is still getting used to everything and is scared of people she isn't comfortable with yet." Hizashi lectured her as I softly pet Sora's ears trying to calm her. Her tail was completely fluffed out showing her distress. She slowly calmed down in my arms. "Hey, hey everyone I would like to introduce you to our little listener Sora. She has been through a lot and is a little shy and doesn't like being touched without consent, so please keep your distance." Hizashi said introducing us, and more so Sora. Sora peeked out a little more and waved to be polite before hiding her face again in my scarf. We got a round of hellos and how cute she was. It took of over five minutes just for us to make it too our seats.
Sora had relaxed a good bit and she was now watching all around her, staring at the other teachers as she would tug on Hizashi's arm and point at the other's in the room excitadently and tell him all about there hero stats, something she had taken a special interest in since she had been living with us, she was using her sign laungue excitedly. She turned to me her wide eyes sparkling as she grabbed at my hands.
"That's the prohero ectoplasum he can make clones of himself. Do you think I can meet him? Please? Momma." She signed happily pointing towards the mathematics teacher.
"If you would like I will take your to meet him." I said softly. I stood up and walked over to him.
"Hey, Masakazu." I said quietly walking up beside him. "Sora would like to meet you." He turned towards us and smiled.
"Mr. Ectoplasum, sir your one of my favorite heroes, your so amazing, not as cool as momma and papa, but so so amazing. Can you tell me more about your quirk? It's okay if you don't like to talk about it, but, but it is really interesting." Sora quickly signed out excited to meet the older hero. He chuckled smiling at her.
"It's nice to meet you Sora, and thanks you so very much for allowing me to be one of your favorite heroes, and I'm glad I'm not as cool as your Momma and Papa I don't think that I could hold up to being that cool. As for my quirk I'm able to make mutiple clones of myself, though each time I make a clone it is slightly less strong, and my clones pop out of excistance when they take to much damage." He said smilling down at her. Her own smile grew twice as wide eyes sparkling as she thanked him.
Not long after that Nezu walked into the room and we all took our own seats and to listen to what he was talking about. I carted my hands through Sora's hair as she listened to him intently as well. She yawned after a few minutes. We listened to Nezu drown on and on as Sora started to doze. I pulled out my signature yellow sleeping bag and slid the both of us into it so she could at least be warm and comfortable.
"And on to our last topic the raid of the omega ring." Nezu said finally catching my attention. I knew that most of the teachers had been in attendance as it was such a massive raid and take down, but didn't realize that we would be speaking of it. "I know several of you worked on it and Hound Dog and I would like to extend a hand in cousseling if any of you need it, as I know how hard that situation was. I am also aweare that Yamada and Aizawa have taken in one of the pups from the raid, and she has attached to the two of you." He said turning towards the three of us. "I would like to extend an invitation to her until she is more aqantied with the world and so that she can be around you until she feels safe enough to be away from the two of you." Nezu said with a small. "But I will require that you please get her some more clothing and she take a test to see where her intelligence level is and allow her to take classes at the same time she is staying in class with the two of you." He said with a devilish smile.
"Thank you." Hizashi said happily.

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