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The small girl awoke with a start. She wasn't in her cell, no this time she was cramped into a tight cage barely able to sit up. Her heart began racing as what happened last hit her mind. Daddy didn't come back this time and now she was somewhere foreign. She tried to move to look around her but the small place only provided her enough room to move her head from side to side. From what she can see the girl is in a small metal cage, much like he cell, stacked on top of other metal cages with others in them. The cages were stacked five high and as far as she could see across all full of other small human looking people. Across from her was another row just like the one she was in. A dim light shone from above casting shadows all over the room as the girls began to cry once again.
"Stop crying or they will be mad." A pink skinned girl, with dirty matted rainbow hair, hissed from the cage beside her causing her to flinch and rustle the cage she was in. The noise of shaking metal filled the whole room echoing off thin metal walls and reverberating back at her.
Somewhere in the room, where the girl could not see, a door so hard slammed open loudly against the metal walls causing the girl to whimper aloud.
"Which of you little shit decided to disturb me?" A grouf voice shouted across the room, shoehow already knowing that it was the new comer, and stompping his way towards her cage. The girl curlled impossiblely tighter in on herself as the man got to her.  "T'was you wuddn't it." The man spoke in Japanese yet his accent was something strange that she had never heard before. She made no move.
"Remember if I'm not around don't respond to 'em at all because if I'm not with you I won't be albe to warn you what they will do." Her father's words rang through her brain, causing the girl not to move it all.
"I asked Yeh a questin." The man soak with a slur on his tongue. Upon lifting her eyes from between her knees she saw him for the first time. The man wasn't very tall, at least not compared to Master, Kurogiri, or daddy, buy he was quiet a bit rounder he had skin the color of burned ash when it's rubbed across a dark floor. His eyes stood out against his dark complexion a vibrant yellow in the center that branched out into a aquariumish color. He had slimey black hair that fell around his ears in knots and tangles.
The girl didn't respond chooseing to head her father's warnings and stayed as still as she could. "So ye wan' play the tough game." He said the small door to her cage opening and his hand shooting at lightning speed as he grabed the base of her long blue hued tail. He quickly yanked the ball of a child out of the cell causing her to cry out in pain.
"If everything else fails, I want you to move your body any way you can kicking out screaming, and hitting anything your can reach don't stop until they let you go, and then you run and don't stop until you find a hero." The memory of her father once again kicked in when she needed it so she let her body fail kicking, screaming, hitting, and eventually even being albe to bite the mans knee cap before the man slung her with a punishing force into the ground. Her body instantly stilled as shock and pain took over her brain. She was dazed for several moments as her brain tried to recollect itself. When her brain finally decided to recollect itself the girl was being carried, still by her tail, but a new and strong grip on her thin neck as well now.
The man walked across, what from the stories that her father had told her the girl could only believe, was, the outside world. The air around the bit into her skin only covered by a ratty pair of too small shorts. Their breaths came out in puffs of white smoke. The sky a dark inky black with twinkleing white lights, having never seen outside before her eyes widened to the size of saucers.
"Not so braze now, hey." The man said in a laugh. Before walking up to a new building, one that looked exactly the same as the one they exited just a minture of it. He quickly opened the dropping her tail only holding her now by her neck. He walked into a dark room flicking on floresent lights over head as he did so. The bright white of the lights hurt the girls eyes as she wasn't used to seeing something so bright. The man grabed a thick chain off the floor with a collar and a collar of a table in the nearby corner fastening the thick heavy metal quickly to the girls neck before attaching the chain to it. The girl senseing how much danger she was truly in tryed with all her might to use her quirk to shift into a small kitten with fur that was a mix of blue and black but her body wouldn't obey her. "Quirk stopping metal." The man grunted beganing to strip out of his clothing.
That night began several years of pain where the girl quickly learned to stay still and quiet. It was three years that she didn't have any love what so ever. Three years for her to slowly lose the light from behind her eyes. Three years for the voice of her father to slowly dissaper from her ears. Three years of buyers looking her over giving her a try and than deciding she just wasn't for him. In her whole life she had, had more pain then most adults would ever feel. She let her dirty rat's nest of hair fall limply around her head,as it lolled on the slightly larger cage that she was now in after being efficiently "broken". She didn't even move when the door opened at this point very aware that it would only anger her captures. She noticed that the men began moving cages of other omegas and weak betas out of the room. "It must have been over three week already, time to go to a new warehouse." The girl thought lazily to herself as she qatched the men silently. She had gotten used to it. There was simplicity in there routine. Food every four days, water every two, housed off once a week, being taken to a small shed every three days and 'used' less she forgets her training, being seen by clients once a month during the 'auction' days, and being moved back and fro between five diffrent warehouses ever three weeks for the fear of being caught rinse and repeat. Before she knew it her cage was picked up and put into a large truck stacked to the ceiling with cages back to back. She didn't even flinch as the metal screeched against the other metal as she was pushed into the top slot of the very first row of the back row. The last cage on the first row into the truck. More cages stacked in rows directly against hers she closed her eyes as this was the most calming part of the whole thing. She let herself fall asleep dreaming of her father, whom she hadn't seen or heard from in over three years. She only felt numb at this point.
It took a total of four hours to load the truck that she was in, before the door was slamed shut and locked. The truck then began to move lolling all of it's contents into a restless sleep. Less than thirty minutes into the ride the truck came to a sudden hault, awakeing everyone from inside, and slamming them against the sides of their metal cages.

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