Our mate hates us. He wants us dead....

Hoseok's omega was sulking and clawing at his chest, making it harder for human to bear with pain. Why was moon goddess so cruel with him? Why did she leave him alive but took away his daughter?

"Please stop..." Omega whispered drained of all energy. "Stop these thoughts. I can't take it anymore..." He pleaded his omega and crawled towards the couch with wobbly hands and legs.

He was so exhausted that as soon as his head touched fluffy pillow, his mind went blank and omega fell in deep slumber, wishing to never wake up again.


Yoongi couldn't sleep.

His wolf felt uneasy for some reason and he had no idea why. He checked on Sumi several times during night, but the girl was peacefully sleeping. Yet alpha couldn't rest.

The male decided to busy himself with work since he had nothing better to do, but his mind kept going back to omega and his confession earlier. His heart squeezed every time he remembered Hoseok's words.

He had lost a child. Yoongi felt like crying when he imagined how hard it must have been for omega to overcome such loss.

He couldn't help but wonder whether his mate took good care of him after such terrible accident in their lives. Considering what he saw, Yoongi highly doubted that. And it was another reason to feel bad for omega.

Before Yoongi knew it, the sun had already risen and the alarm went off. The alpha sighed, burying face in his palms.

Did he actually spend whole night thinking and worrying about mated omega? What if he just wanted Hoseok's mate to be a bad alpha, when in reality he was a good mate and husband? What if the day he met him, the alpha was just tired and irritated because of bad day at work?

"God, what's wrong with me?"

"Daddy!" Sumi came out of her room with a cute pink bunny onesie that Jungkook had gifted her. She tightly hugged her dad and pecked his cheek. "Are you already up?"

In the mornings, usually Sumi was the one in role of a parent. She woke up when alarm went off and was in charge of waking her dad who was sleepyhead.

"Yes, baby. I'm up for a while now." Yoongi patted her head, cupping girl's tiny face with one hand. "Go and brush your teeth while I prepare breakfast, okay?"

"Yes!" The girl instantly agreed and rushed back to her room.

Yoongi got up with a sigh and put aside the papers which he tried to go through at night. He quickly made tea and put on a table Sumi's favorite chocolate cookies. He cut apple to small pieces just like his daughter loved to and made mental note to buy her cake as she asked previous day.

After they were done with breakfast, Yoongi helped his daughter get dressed in a cute plaid dress and a white shirt. He tied her hair in a ponytail and put on her warmest jacket.

"We'll wait for Hobi, right?" She asked hopefully, puckering her lower lip cutely.

"You want it?" Yoongi asked her teasingly, because no way he'd leave without seeing the male. He didn't know why but he just wanted to make sure that everything was alright.

Why wouldn't it be though? His inner voice asked.

Yoongi remembered disturbed look on Hoseok's face the previous day. When he stood in front of his apartment, omega looked like the last thing he wanted to do was go inside.

"Let's wait and check on him, okay?" Yoongi patted her head gently and the girl nodded. She asked her dad for a phone and texted something to Jin. Probably asked him to come over.

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