I look lower. He has a nice neck. He has a nice Adam apple attached to that neck too. I never knew necks could be so... attractive. And now I'm looking at his neck like a weirdo. I quickly divert my gaze, cheeks flushing.

He says nothing and just grins like an idiot. A happy idiot.

"Are you going to keep on smiling like that at me? Cause you look stupid." I say, shrugging unapologetically.

His lip twitches. My eyes are instantly drawn lower down his face. Pink. Soft. Fuckkk

"You gonna make me?" He arches a playful eyebrow.

My eyes raise to his in shock. Then they furrow.

"Oi, next race is about to happen boys!" One of the officials calls out to us. It is only then that I realise we are the only two swimmers still in the pool.

I get out of the pool ignoring Oliver's eyes burning holes into me. That was my last race for the day, and I fucked up nearly every race today. I don't think I have ever swum so badly at a competition in my life. And I don't think I have cared so little for the results in my life.

There's something wrong with me. I was mad—I am mad, I'm always mad (probably distantly related to the Hulk or something). But this time my anger Isn't directed towards my performance, towards my massive swimming disappointment. And that freaks me out.

I don't care. I don't care that I fucked up my races. I'm trying to care, but something that once seemed so valuable and wanted isn't as great anymore. I just feel empty. I wish I could talk to Henry, he would say something stupid that would make me laugh or get annoyed. That thought leaves a sinking feeling In my stomach.

I want my old self back. The one that got determined when he lost a race. That got mad when Oliver bet him. The one that cared. The one that doesn't feel like this empty shell of a person. That doesn't feel so... numb.

So I try to do just that. I support the rest of the team's races. I chat with Andy and try to be pissed about my races (because that is in character of me). I rebel against Oliver, whether it be from ignoring his simple commands or biting back with snarky comments. But it doesn't work. I just feel more tired. More numb.

I thought I hid it well. I thought no one would notice— that no one would care. But it seems Oliver instantly picked up on my bad mood. He sees right through me. Instead of getting mad, putting me in my pace, or even ignoring me, he does something unexpected. He grabs my arm and pulls me aside from everyone.

"Are you okay?" He asks brows furrowed and voice low and measure. Concern in his eyes.

I near god break down right in front of him. Something about that question just makes you realise how not okay everything is. I nearly goddamn cry like a fucking kid in front of him, tempted to sob into his shoulder and have him wrap his arms around me. To comfort me as I cry about Henry and how shit the world is. How unfair life is, to take someone so good away, so undeserving.

So I look away from his face before I crumble. Instead, I focus on a tree in the background. I keep a neutral expression on the outside, but inside I'm cracking. The walls made of sarcasm, anger, and meanness nearly crumble.

"Look, whatever is going on, whatever is pissing you off, I can help make it better." He says, his voice so gentle I have to check that he is the one saying it.

I open my mouth but don't have a chance to say anything.

"The bus is here!" One of the team members calls out.

I shake my head trying to rid the emotions out of me. I take that opportunity to walk past him and into the bus. I plug my earphones and blast music loud. Trying to drown out the thoughts in my head with music.

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