Closing, Night Drive - 1

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AN: Hey everyone this is my first story on  here. This is really unrealistic to the rtc universe and takes place where the accident never even happened 💔 Also idk about Talia, she probably doesnt exist for the purpose of this story but take it how you will! Enjoy :)

Noel was working late at Taco Bell at the mall that Friday night. He had taken some extra shifts because he wanted to speed up the saving process to move to France. Noel wanted no more then to get the hell away from Uranium. There was only one thing holding him back. Mischa.
Mischa Bachinski. Noels secret boyfriend. Noel and Mischa had been dating for 3 months and the only person who knew besides them was Ricky who walked in on them kissing in the choir room.
The inside of the restaurant had been closed already and Noel just had to get through these last people on the drive-thru, when he heard a banging on the locked glass door. He saw a familiar face, Mischa.
"Hold on sir, pull around to the front we'll get your order finished at the window" Noel said into his headset as he turned off the mic and opened the door for Mischa. It was raining outside and it looked like he had walked as he was soaking wet.
"Noel I'm so sorry to bither you while youre working but I-" Mischa said the second Noel opened the door, almost kissing him Mischa places his arms on Noels shoulders and their foreheads touched. Mischa looked like he had been crying.
"Hold on Misch, we'll talk let me just finish this last customers order." Noel said and he gave a small peck to Mischas cheek. He walked to the window fully knowing that the cutimer probably saw him and Mischa, he didn't even care at this point. 12:05 A.M. was too late for taco bell. "So sorry about that sir, it was just manager coming in, what was the last item on that order." Mischa couldnt hear the man from the dining room, he slightly sobbed in one of the chairs, his back faced to the outside windows. Noel finished the mans order and put a sign on the window signifying they were closed. He made sure the person was out of the drive-thru entirely He immediatly walked  over to Mischa.
"Baby, why'd you walk here?" Noel asked as he hugged the taller boy. Mischa lodged his head into Noels neck. Noel hugged Mischa tight and shushed him, trying in any effort to calm him down. He moved the two behind a half wall by the bathrooms to make sure no one from the 'highway' could see them. The taco bell was detached from the mall but still visable from the road and parking lot. 
"I want to leave, Mrs. K (mischas adoptive mother) doesnt even know I am there, i miss mama so much,," the boys accent grew more hard to desern the more he sobbed. Mischas voice was raspy and he was dripping water on Noels clothes. Noel proped the boys head up and kissed him, Noel kissed the boys cheeks and where his tears were falling. The grip Mischa had on him was secure, he was genuinly scared and upset.
"Maybe we go for a drive" Noel said, he was cupping Mischas face with one hand and the other was around his waist. He pushed Mischas wet hair out of his face.
"That would be nice" Mischa said, he had his hands wrapped around Noels waist, he felt happy and secure in Noels arms.
"Help me close?" Noel said while poring Mischa his favorite soda, Mr. Pibb
"Sure" The two mopped the floors and wiped down the counters. Mischa loved closing with Noel, they danced around to some of Noels favorite music he played from his phone hooked up to the speakers. Mischa loved Noels music, he found it deep and tragic. Mischa came up behind Noel when he was mopping the floor and hugged him, they slightly swayed before Noel turned half around and started kissing his boyfriend. "Oh comme je t'aime ma mischa" Noel said when he pulled away from their kiss.
"Is hard to be romantic when you smell like tacos" Mischa laughed, he continued hugging Noel from behind and swaying with him. After around 15 minutes of Noel being a perfectionist and closing the restaurant Mischa held his pinkie with his own as they turned off the lights and walked outside to Noels car. Noel had changed out of his uniform in the bathroom and was wearing one of Mischas sweaters he stole on one of their dates. Noel locked the store up and led Mischa to his car, A 2002 White Mitsubishi Eclipse. Mischa got into the pasenger seat, he immediately snuck the aux cord and put on a shared playlist between him and Noel. Mischa secretly loved Noels music taste and they shared that.
"Where do you want to go?"
"Anywhere but here, Моя любов" Mischa said, the two boys still were holding hands and Mischa kissed the back of Noels hand. Noel seemed slightly sweaty and stiff or stressed still from his shift. Mischas white button up was still soaking from walking to Taco Bell in the rain. The two sat in silence loving eachothers company for what felt like hours.
"Aren't your mama and pa worried? you close at 12 usually, correct?" Mischa said as he gestured to a clock that said 2:45 A.M on Noels dashboard.
"I told them I was at Pennys, her and Constance were having a sleepover so I always use them as my out" Noel laughed.
The two eventually stopped after what seemed like hours, they seemd so far from Uranium. Mischa climbed into the backseat. Noel followed him. Noel climbed on top of Mischas lap and started passionately making out from him. The two hugged and talked and embraced eachother in the cold yet warm air. Noel ended up falling asleep on Mischas chest and when they woke up Noels cwr had totally died. Worth it for that amazing night though, at least in Noels opinion.


Word Count: 1001 words

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