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Tae got ready really quick then he went to the club where JiKook were already present.
He then approached them...

Jimin- Ahh taeahh you finally here. Here take this drink & have fun.

Tae- Anii chim I can't know na I have low alcohol tolerance.

Jk- then what's the meaning to come here just to disturb us huh ?

Jimin- Ahh can you please shut your mouth up kook...ofcourse I wanted him here to have fun with us so he came.

Tae- Chim it's okay you enjoy I'm fine here.

Jk rolled his eyes.

Jk- Anyways jimin let's go dance together.

Jimin- ofcourse why not, Tae let's go.

Jk- why him ? It's going to be a couple dance right ?

Jimin- but...

Tae- Chimy it's really okay. You guys go and have fun. I'm fine here.

Jimin- okay as you say so.

With that they both left for having fun leaving Tae alone.

After sometime ~

With JiKook

Jungkook & Jimin were both dancing, slowly they started getting really horny.

Jk- Babe why you have to be this much hot & looking ethereal babe.

Jimin- you too honey gosh I want to suck you really bad.

Jk- stop it already or else you'll regret later kitten.

Jimin- I wanna regret...make me 😏

Jk- Shit I'm hard now.

Jimin- me too let's go somewhere else...

They were about to go but suddenly they remembered about taehyung.

Jimin- Shit what about tae...kook wait I'm gonna tell him then we'll go.

Jk- no don't have to, let him be. You can text him later. Besides he's not a kid who can't handle himself.

Jimin- bu-

Jk- No but let's just go & continue our job😏

Jimin- ok then as you say so, let's go then.

With that they both left without telling Tae.

They soon reached at Jimins farmhouse & not losing anytime they started doing their job...

At their bedroom~

Both on bed kissing, sucking each others leaving hickies throughout the body.

Jk was now sucking jimins left bud while pinching the other one. Jimin became a moaning mess.

Jk- on your knees baby

Jimin did what he was told to do so

Then jk bring his *ahem_ahem near jimins face &

Jk- Strip me baby and suck it.

Jimin unzip Jks pants & then there's a JuanCork standing proudly to wreck him so bad, then jimin slowly started rubbing it with his hands.

Jk- baby you better not tease me & put it in your mouth kitten.

Jimin then slowly take the whole thing in his mouth & started doing his job & on the other hand jungkook now moaning because of the pleasure he's receiving.

Jk- ahh baby I'm going to cum.

After hearing that, jimin fasten but jungkook make him stop and took him to bed hovering over him.

Jk- Why so fast baby? So unpatience for daddy's cork huh?

Jimin- yes daddy please wreck me so hard.

Hearing that jk didn't wasted any time & put his cork in jimins hole &....

After 5 rounds...

Both were moaning mess & with an animalistic speed & groan he came into jimin for 6th time & jimin also came on jks stomach which jk took in his hands and lick it off...

Jk- Umm so delicious kitten.

Then he laid beside jimin because of tiredness but suddenly jimin hovered over him...(You thought it's the end huh...ofcourse jimin have to show jk his powers too)

Jimin- now be ready for the real fun now babyboy coz master gonna take you to heaven now.

Jk- you still have energy to continue after getting wre.....Ahhhhhh jim please .

Jimin spanked him really hard.

Jimin- Who am I babyboy ?

He again spanked jk.

Jk- Ahh sorry master.

With that now jimin is doing his job the whole night...

(I'm sorry for this smut part if it's not okay please bare with it as I'm not that much comfy writing smut about jikook but later on if tae will be there then I'll put more of my unholy thoughts 🌚)

On the other hand ~

With Tae(from when jikook left for dancing together)

Tae was sitting watching jikook dancing together. It hurted him so he looked away & order juice for him but the bartender messed up & unknowingly his order got exchanged with alcohol.

He took a sip but he understood that that's alcohol but he didn't complained about it as he looked back again at jikook & started getting drunk.

After sometime he looked at the dance floor but wasn't able to find jikook so he panicked as he asked the bartender about them so the bartender replied that they already left...Tae got really shocked and surprised as he didn't expected it atleast from jimin that how he could just leave his best friend at the club in this condition. But without wasting any time, he paid for the drinks and left from there as it's getting late and he have to go home alone.

He then took out his phone to book a cab for himself but his phone is now dead.

Tae- Shit what am I supposed to do now. Oh gosh what I did to deserve all these(he broke down so badly, became a crying mess as he's already slightly drunk).

Suddenly a guy approached him-

Unknown guy- hey are you okay? what happened?

Tae- nothing but can I use your phone to call my hyung actually my phone is dead and I can't book a cab also.

Unknown guy- ahh that's fine, ok then tell me your hyung number.

Tae- ahh yeah wai...Shit I don't remember as he took the new sim so I didn't...oh no now what...( He started crying again)

Unknown guy - hey hey dont cry. I can give you lift if you want to go with me.

Tae looked up at the Unknown guy- but umm... ok fine thank you so much, I don't have any other options so please take me to my home.

Unknown guy- yeah sure come

Now they are in that strangers car...

Tae- umm by the way whats your name ?

Unknown- that doesn't matter but you can call me Daddy...ok babyboy ?
He said with a smirk on his face.

And that's the time when Tae realized he's now going to be on trouble...

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