Hospital Scene

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Jungkook and Jimin is currently at hospital looking for tae

Jungkook to Receptionist: Hello we are Kim Taehyungs friends. Can you tell me where is he ?

Receptionist: Yes He's admitted and now he's in ward no. 9 1st Floor.

Jimin: Okay that you.

With that they went to the 1st floor just to witness taehyungs family crying about him so bad.

Jimin went to them and asked what happened in a broken voice.

Taehyungs Mom: Jiminshi how these happened? You should know na. I heard you was with him so why you left him there ?

Jin: Yes Tae told us that he'll go to a party with you and Jungkook then how these happened?

Namjoon: He was all alone with that animal at that road thank god that strangers seen that and helped him otherwise he'll...

With that he started crying...

Then the officers informed them everything that happened in there...

Jimin and Jungkook both were shocked and guilty about what they did.

Suddenly from the ward a doctor came outside and informed them that the patient is now fine but it'll take some time for him to come out from the trauma.

With that the doctor left.

And the nurse allowed 2 members inside the room.

Taehyungs Mom and Jin went to see tae.

And rest are just sitting outside sadly & fully in shocked.

Jimin to Jungkook: Everything is my fault. I shouldn't left him there alone. I'm such a bad friend. Why these things happened to him why ?

Jungkook: Hey calm down baby. I can understand your condition but it's now your fault okay. I shouldn't say these as I'm also in shock but I think it's Karma. The thing happened to my sister is....

Jimin cuts him off: Jungkook please shut up. Are you crazy or what ? He's there fighting for his life and you here telling me this kind of things. Have some shame. I understand whatever happened to your sister is really bad but whatever you're saying for tae isn't justified or right.
You know what you just leave from here. You don't deserve him. Please leave and stay away from Tae...

Jimin pushed him with that...

Jungkook angrily went to his sister (remember his sister in coma also is in this hospital) again blaming tae for everything...

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