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Ben opened his eyes the next morning and looked at Miranda. His face was nuzzled into her neck and his hands on her full breast. He didn't know how they ended up there maybe it was on instinct, but he would never complain. Their legs were tangled together and her butt was pressed into him. He could stay like this forever he thought before closing his eyes and going back to sleep.

Miranda's eyes fluttered opened and she looked at the clock on the nightstand 6:30 am. Her mind immediately began to piece together everything she needed to do and the time that it would take.

She rolled over in Ben's arms and tapped him a awake.

"Miranda I'm sure it's early." Ben mumbled sleepily.

"Ben we have to get up. We only have 2 hours to get ready." She stressed.

"It only takes me 10 minutes. You're the one with the extras."

"You don't want to keep me company though babe?"

"Not really."

"Benjamin Warren." Miranda whined and he laughed.

Ben pulled her closer to him and she eyed him as he played with her hair that had fallen from her wrap. He leaned forward and kissed her lips before he began to rub her thighs.

"Good morning." Ben said against her lips.

"Good morning to you too." Miranda smiled, kissing him back.

Ben rolled her onto her back and pushed her legs open with his knee. He settled between them and Miranda looked up at him, her eyes hazy.

He noticed her nipples through her nightgown and he smiled, pleased. Taking her arms he held them above her head, holding them there. Ben entered his tongue into her mouth and she was no more good.

"Mmhm Ben." Miranda moaned into his mouth as her heart and stomach fluttered. After a few seconds she snapped out of it

"Unh-uh Benjamin. We are not going to be late, sitting here in a make out session. Go get us Coffee and muffins from downstairs. Mr. I can be done in 10 minutes."

"I can be." He laughed.

"Mm-hm." She rolled her eyes, sliding off the bed and going into the bathroom. Ben knocked on the door and laughed when Miranda opened it with soap on her face and a toothbrush in her mouth.

"I would like to brush my teeth and wash my face before going downstairs.

"Well who are you trying to look nice for?" Miranda questioned before continuing to brush her teeth.


"You don't need to do all that just go to downstairs. You're grabbing 4 things and coming right back.

"Miranda just let me in the bathroom. There's a his and hers sink for a reason."

"I'm not stopping you." She laughed.

The two brush their teeth and washed their faces before Ben sat down and watched her do her hair. He then went downstairs to get breakfast, so she could eat before she did her makeup.

"Here you go." Ben smiled handing her the coffee and a muffin. He looked at her sitting on the edge of the bed with blue jeans and a white tank top on.

"Thank you." Miranda smiled before biting into her blueberry muffin.

Ben ate his muffin and then went into the bathroom and got dressed. He put his deodorant on and then sprayed on cologne. Emerging from the bathroom, Miranda looked him up and down and bit her lip. He had on a gold watch, a dark green shirt, dark blue jeans and Polo Ralph Lauren shoes.

"The bathroom is all yours." Ben nodded coming to lay back on the bed.

"Is green your favorite color?"

"Yeah. It is. I also like red and blue."

Miranda nodded sipping her coffee. She walked back into the bathroom and completed her makeup.

"You look beautiful." Ben acknowledged when she walked out.

"Thank you handsome."

"You ready to go?"

"Yep. I just need to grab my note pad and pens."

"Note pad and pens?"

"I have to take notes during the seminar." Miranda replied with a duh tone sliding on the teal blazer he picked out.

"Of course you do." Ben responded as she grabbed her things.

"I am officially ready." She told him.

They took the elevator down to the lobby and walked outside. He opened Miranda's door and she got inside, buckling her seatbelt.

Ben pushed the button for the sunroof and they watched as it slid back. Miranda put the address that was on their tickets into the GPS and sat back in her seat.

She smiled when Ben grabbed her hand as he drove.

"How many times have you been to the east coast?" Miranda asked as they bypassed a lot of trees.

"Uh a couple of times. Went to Washington D.C. and toured around and then I went to New York, but this was years ago right after I graduated college. I have been to New York more than once for anesthesia conferences. I had to speak at a few."

"I miss living on this side of the states. The east coast, is fast paced, and you experience every one of the 4 seasons. Not so much on the west coast."

"That is true. The west coast is more laid back and a lot nicer. New York is filled with the meanest people."

"I don’t think they're mean. Just no nonsense and most likely in a hurry. The food is totally different on this side as well. I'm actually really excited to see my parents because I know I'm going to get some good soul food... and or southern cooking."

"Well I grew up on the west coast in Seattle and so did my parents. There wasn't any southern cooking. It was cooking similar though. I always miss my moms cooking."

"How long has she been gone?"

"Its been 9 years now." Ben stated blowing out a breath.

"Wow I'm sorry. She passed after you completed medical school or during." Miranda questioned doing the math.

"Its ok and she passed two weeks after my white coat ceremony."

"I know you made her proud."

"Thanks." He smiled softly.

"So what about your dad?"

"How is he doing?"

"Yeah how is he?"

"Oh he's doing good. He has a girlfriend now and she's nice."

"Was that difficult for you?"

"No. He needed to move on. I'm glad he has someone. It takes the pressure off me and Curt."

"That’s good because a lot of people don’t...oh my God look at it." Miranda awed excitedly looking out the window. "That’s the models for the Black Brant IX rockets. Those rockets increased scientific exploration."

Ben laughed at her excitement as he pulled into the parking lot.

"Just know Benjamin, you'll be taking a lot of pictures today." She informed him upfront, cheesing.

"I kind of figured." He laughed.

Miranda opened the car door not waiting for Ben as she grabbed her big purse.

Ben grasped her hand as the walked to the front. After giving the woman received their tickets she gave them visitor badges, with the NASA logo at the bottom.

They were also given at map just incase they chose not to walk with the tour guide, which Miranda didn't want to do anyway.
Her and Ben visited different exhibits and discussed each one. While they also stopped to take pictures. Miranda laughed looking at Ben as he changed his screensaver to them standing in front of the Apollo 11. His hands were wrapped around her waist and they were smiling in the photo. He had asked a couple that was walking by to take it.

"Email me that picture I want to get it printed out."

"I'm sending it now." He said typing on his blackberry.

"Look baby there's Katherine Johnson." Miranda pointed. "I didn't know they had this in here."

"Me either." Ben responded sliding his phone in his pocket. He read the information card along with Miranda.

"My mom, told me about her when I was in middle school or may be 9th grade. It wasn't publicized what she was doing but she was friends with one of my moms friends from high school. She told her and then she told me. I thought it was fascinating and I always wanted to know more."

"Maybe someone will make a movie about her."

"That would be great and all the other colored women that work to get us to space."

"Ooh look at the Mars Rover." Ben pointed.

"You think that’s a real sample." Miranda pointed at the piece of the red rust colored rock in the glass."

"I highly doubt that it is. Probably a replica."

"That’s what I was thinking, but its beautiful though."

"You ever considered working for NASA?" Ben asked curiously.
"Of course. I've always dreamed of being a flight surgeon, but--

"But what? You would miss me too much?"

"That and I have a child. Oh and I was married, so I couldn't just up and fly away. Literally miles away, with no way of communicating with my family."

"Maybe one day when your older you'll have the opportunity."


"Let's go inside the gift shop. I know you want to."

"You're a good man." She laughed, pulling him that way.

"Okay were definitely getting these cups." Miranda stated holding up a black cup that had a white rocket, the blue logo of NASA, and written across it said “IT IS ROCKET SCIENCE”."

Ben grabbed a sweat shirt in both of their sizes and led Miranda over to the kid section.

"Look." He pointed.

"Oh my good. Flight suits." Miranda clapped. "Tuck is going to be an astronaut for Halloween." She smiled grabbing his size and the astronaut helmet.

After getting packs of Astronaut food. Which was really ice cream that they were curious to see how it worked, Ben paid for their items. At one o'clock on the dot they made their way over to the auditorium which was in another building. They stood in line behind a few other people as the woman at the front checked everyone's tickets. They received lanyards with name tags and booklets, highlighting the seminar.

Miranda flipped through the program booklet and stopped on all the astronauts names.

"You guys can head to your seats." The attendant smiled.

Ben held Miranda’s hand as they slid through the second row in the auditorium. He watched as she pulled out her notepad and pens to write. She dated the paper and then look up at the women and men sitting on the stage in chairs.

"Do you know any of them?"

"Yes. I've read about each of them. That's Ken Ham he commanded the shuttle flight and was joined by Pilot Tony Antonelli and Mission Specialists Garrett Reisman, Michael Good, Steve Bowen and Piers Sellers. They were the six astronauts on the 12-day mission flight of Atlantis."

The seminar didn't take more than an hour and it took 30 minutes for questions.

Once that was over they walked to another room and Miranda was giddy, bubbling with excitement.

Ben took a picture of her with all the astronauts and then last they made their way to Dr. Kersey.

"Hi." Marjorie Kersey smiled at them.

"Hi Dr. Kersey. I'm Dr. Miranda Bailey Chief of General surgery at Seattle grace hospital.

"Seattle. I love it out there."

" I am a huge fan. It's an honor to meet you. You are a trailblazer."

"Aww thank you hon." She smiled brightly.

"Can I ask what you are working on? If you can say."

"I can say. I'm going to tell you two things but don't tell anyone...it’s classified. "

"I won't. I promise." Miranda said quickly.

"Ok. As I'm sure you know, We just finished some construction work on the International space system. There are only 2 more shuttle missions left and the flights are scheduled in the fall.  Once that’s complete we will be working on trips to asteroids and Mars."

"Trips to asteroids?"

"Not actually on the asteroid,  but to them so we can see it up close and hopefully collect samples."

"Wow so hopefully we will have pictures of the actual asteroid belt." Miranda marveled.

"And the dwarf planet--"

"Ceres." Miranda filled in and she nodded.

"Ceres?" Ben questioned.

"Ceres is a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It was actually the first asteroid ever discovered. Miranda told him.

"Later Classified as a dwarf planet in 2006." Marj added.

"Does it have a moon?" He asked.

"The only dwarf planet with no moons."

"Its unique because it has what a lot of other plants don’t have."

"Water." Ben answered.

"Exactly." The two women said simultaneously.

"And what's the other thing you're working on."

"I'm personally working on a temporal variance spectrometer. It'll detect time-space changes in the Higgs boson field and will eventually control it."

"It sounds like... are you building a time machine?"

"Wow you really are an nerd. I'm impressed."

"Wow so cool." Ben added staring at the woman like she was insane. Miranda reached over and pinched his side.

"Ouch." He huffed.

"So your temporal variance spectrometer, what creates a worm hole?”

"No, no, that's a guy in south Africa. He wants to send little "beep-boop" signals through time dilation. I want to send people."

"Sending people through time."

"So you can visit your past self." He stated

"You can't go backwards in time Benjamin. Only forward."

"Right. Past and now could never meet, but present self and future self could."

"They are going to put her right out of NASA." Ben whispered in Miranda's ear and she wanted to laugh.

"So how will you test it out? You can't send a human first because something could go wrong."

"What do you know about time dilation?" She asked Miranda.

"Um that Einstein found that the faster you move through space, the slower you move through time, you age more slowly, in other words. One of the key ideas in relativity is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light about 186,000 miles per second (300,000 kilometers per second), or one light-year per year. But you can get very close to it. If a spaceship were to fly at 99% of the speed of light, you'd see it travel a light-year of distance in just over a year of time.  But For astronauts onboard a spaceship traveling that fast, the journey would take a mere seven weeks. Which is a consequence of time dilation, and in effect, it means the astronauts have jumped about 10 months into the future. 

Miranda rambled off and Ben's eyes widened. His girlfriend really was a nerd.

"Correct. So making a gravitational field in the temporal variance spectrometer would be the same effect. I would send a robot first."

"Wow." Miranda cheesed. "That's amazing."

"Pretty cool. Might win another fundamental physics prize."

"Yeah. I wish you luck."

"Thanks. Did you want a picture Dr. Miranda Bailey chief of General surgery?"

"Yes." She replied quickly before Ben took more than one.

"It was nice meeting you two." Marjorie nodded.

"Like wise." Ben added.

"You too." Miranda smiled before they walked outside.

Once they were back in the car Miranda looked over and stared at Ben. "Thank you so much for today. You made a lot of my childhood dreams come true and I'm forever grateful. This date is the best date ever ever ever." She clasped his face in her hands and kissed him soundly on the lips.

Ben kissed her lips passionately before he captured her bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth.

"Damn I love when you do that." She moaned pulling away and placing her face against his.

"I know." Ben smirked and she felt his hot breath behind her ear. Then she felt a soft kiss on her earlobe.

Miranda gasped when she felt a soft but long kiss on her nape. Slowly, she felt her body was turned around by him. They looked into each others' eyes until she closed her eyes when their lips crushed. She expected a sweet soft kiss but it was not, it was a demanding hot kiss. He tilted her head to get a better angle to kiss. The few nips he made resulted into a moaning and gasping Miranda. He took full advantage of it, exploring her.

They parted when he realized she needed to breathe. She looked at him fully and bit her lip.

"I love when you do that." Ben told her referring to her biting her lip. He immediately kissed her again. This time, more demanding and urgent that Miranda was so taken. She could not help but to try and fight him for dominance. She caressed her tongue along with him until he drifted their mouth apart.

Breathing heavily, he kissed her forehead softly.

"You make me happy Ben Warren."

"You make me happy too Miranda. I just love to be around you. When I'm in your presence I feel like my greatest self."

"Aww honey, I feel the exact same way. When I'm with you everything else fades away. I'm not Doctor Bailey or mommy. I'm just a woman...I'm just Miranda. You make me feel like I'm your girl."

"That's because you are my girl and I'm glad I can do that for you."

Miranda sighed and pecked his lip again before putting her seatbelt on.

"Lets go get lunch and then that nap that was on the list."

Later that night after their romantic dinner they came back to the hotel. Miranda took her bag and excused herself to the bathroom. She took a shower and dried off. Looking at herself in the mirror she tried to calm her nerves.

She put lotion on and then sprayed perfume on her neck and wrist. Miranda sat her bag down on the counter and opened it, looking through all of the sets that she purchased trying to decide on the best one.

Remembering that his favorite color was green, she grabbed the emerald green set and slid it on.

She looked at herself in the mirror one more time and smiled. She felt like a Christmas present in the summer and now it was time for him to unwrap.

Miranda walked to the door and pulled it open. She looked at Ben laying back on the bed still fully dressed with his eyes closed. She stood in the middle of the door frame and cleared her throat.

Ben opened his eyes at her throat clearing and turned into the direction of the bathroom.  She watched as his eyes widened before looking her up and down repeatedly taking in the green lace.

"Wow.... you look... damn." Ben trailed off as his eyes kept falling back to her thong. He studied her smooth skin, from her feet, to her thick thighs, plush belly, and perfect breast. She was a masterpiece.

"Make love to me." Miranda said nervously before trying to put on a seductive face.

Ben looked up at her and smiled. He walked over to her and pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her short frame. He leaned down to kiss her lips, instantly Miranda opened her mouth to let his tongue explore her. She moaned against his mouth as they broke apart. 

"You are so damn beautiful." Ben stated. Then his mouth was on hers, heat stirring between them, each stroke of tongue stoked the fire inside and it burned faster and hotter within her every second that passed.

She flung her arms around his neck so she could mold her body even closer to his, because suddenly it wasn't enough. Even the thin clothing between them seemed like an enormous vast keeping her from him. She searched for skin, hands sliding on the soft flesh of his neck.

Ben reached down and gripped her full ass firmly, enjoying the moan that he pulled from her mouth. She lifted her leg to curl around his and he caught it, keeping it hooked there. She was pressed against him so tightly that she could feel the she effect she had on him pressing into her belly. Ben lifted her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist he set her on the edge of the bed and leaned down to lay her back, he kissed her hungrily once more and Miranda moaned loudly. She couldn't believe her panties were already soaked. She sucked on his lip, tortured it so divinely with her teeth that it was almost too much for him.

Ben broke the kiss and looked down at her body. He looked down further at the dark green of her panties from the wetness she produced and groaned. He desperately wanted to taste her, but he was trying to save the absolute best for last.  He gently reached down and circled his fingers against her panty covered clit.

"Mmmm." Miranda moaned at the pleasure she felt flow through her. She kissed Ben ferociously, sucking on his tongue, as his fingers began to work her into a sexual frenzy, dancing across her clit.

She gripped onto his neck as her hips gently began to circle to the feel of his fingers. She wanted to be naked asap.

Miranda breathlessly pulled away from his kiss allowing "Ben" to breathlessly escape from her lips.

"Sit up." He instructed and she bit her lip at the command before doing so.

Ben reached behind her and unclasped her bra, pulling it off he tossed it onto the other bed.

"God." He mumbled looking at her full breast and chocolate nipples. He hovered over her for a moment, just taking in her milk chocolate brown skin. She was so smooth and soft, that he honestly could just sit back and look at her. He gently ran his hand around her breasts, squeezing as he went.

Ben slowly lowered his head, as he kissed her soft lips. He lightly ran his tongue up the line of her bottom lip. He then crashed his lips back down to hers. His right hand roamed her naked breast ,as he began to trace his tongue kissing down her chin onto her collar bone, giving it a light lick. He then moved to her right breast, taking its erect nipple into his mouth as he gathered the rest of its flesh in his hand, squeezing it again. As Miranda moaned as he sucked on her, the sensation of his lips traveled through her body.

She tilted her head down to look at him and she felt a sharp tingle go through her quickly. The visual of what he was doing mixed with the sensation, instantly caused more liquid to flow from her. This man was making love to her breast and leaving wet trails as he did so.

Ben kissed his way across her chest reaching her left nipple, repeating his actions. He then kissed his way down to her fleshy stomach. He paused at her inny belly button, kissing it lightly and then stuck his tongue into it. He smiled as she jerked, moaning from his playful lick.

Ben sat up and got down on his knees, settling himself between her legs. He spread her legs wide apart and slowly lowered his head, pressing a kiss to her clit hard enough so she could feel it through her panties.

"Ooh." Miranda moaned gripping the blanket.

Ben hooked her panties into both hands and pulled them down, throwing them across the room as well.

He stared at her wet vagina, desperately trying to create mental pictures. He wanted to never forget what she or it looked liked. Ben gripped her legs and dived right in, he licked her center like ice cream and she moaned loudly.

"You taste amazing." He groaned flicking her clit repeatedly.

"Jesus." She gasped as he lightly stuck out his tongue and he licked the area between her outer lips. He then stuck his tongue out farther, as he separated her outer lips with his fingers, revealing her inner pink core. He immediately began to lap at her dripping wet opening, licking her from it to her clit.

"Bennnn" Miranda moaned. He would never get tired of this, he could do this all day long. His right hand traveled back to her breast, squeezing the right one, as she slowly grinded her hips against his face. She gripped the covers and rolled her body into his capable mouth.

Miranda reached down and gripped his head before putting him in a head lock with her legs tightly wrapped around his head. Her movement began to speed up as her breathing became heavier. She clawed at his head as her back arched off of the bed, as she yelled out "Benjamin I am going to... I’m about to...OH BENNN". Her body quivered as she came into his mouth.

"Uhhh fuck." Miranda gasped, moaning as he continued to feast on her, drawing out her intense orgasm.

When the last of her shudders became soft shivers, Ben kissed his way back up her body to her face. As he slowly kissed her lips she stared into his eyes, and kissed him deeply tasting herself on his lips and tongue.

Miranda sat up on her knees and pulled his shirt from out of his pants. She unbuttoned it and helped him throw it to the other bed.

Getting his pants off Miranda looked down at his boxer covered erection and licked her lips. She grabbed onto the waist band, pulling it down slowly her eyes widen at the sight of him. He was huge.

Ben pushed her back onto the bed and hovered over her, kissing her lips, neck, and top swells of her breast. Miranda pulled him against her and groaned at the heat of their bodies together.

She brought his face back to his lips and kissed him passionately.

"Miranda wait. We don't have condoms." Ben told her, looking down into her eyes.

"What do you mean you don't have condoms?" Miranda moaned.

"Miranda you were adamant about not having sex."

"I thought most men just kept them."

"Now you know you would be hot right now if I had them." Ben said seriously.

Miranda rolled her eyes because she knew that was true.  "Oh I forgot. Go look in my bag in the bathroom."

Ben walked to the bathroom and dug into her bag. He noticed all the different bras and panties that she had. 

"She planned this." He thought to himself.

"Baby its a whole damn box." Miranda told him impatiently.

Ben chuckled and grabbed the box of magnums. She looked up at him in the doorway and moaned. This man was magnificent and had a magnificent body.

Ben gently pushed her back on the bed and put the condom on. He moved overtop of her once again and looked her in the eyes.

Miranda nodded yes to his silent question and Ben pressed the length of his thick member across her center. She let out a moan as his dick massaged her sensitive clit. Ben entered her slowly and Miranda gasped as she felt him enter her.

She wrapped her hands around his neck and brought him down for a kiss, moaning as he pulled out all the way and pushed back in, filling her. Ben's thrust were even and measured as she tried to keep her legs wrapped around his waist. He gripped her thigh and increased his strokes.

"Shit Benjamin Warren." Miranda moaned scratching his back.

Ben opened her legs wider and held them at the bottom of her thigh just before her knees. Using this position he slammed into her harder and faster. He loved to watch her breast moved up and down at the consistent thrusting.

"Damn Miranda you feel so fucking good." He grunted out.

He then leaned down and kissed her full lips again. Miranda knew for sure her legs were going to hurt tomorrow, by the way they were bent and him pressing down onto her. She broke the kiss gasping for air and digging her manicured nails into his arm.

She licked his neck and put her lips all over his face before crying out as his lips moved to her breasts. He gripped her right leg in his hand and pulled it up onto his shoulder.

"Yes, yes, yes, baby yes!" Miranda shrieked gripping the covers.

Ben felt her tighten around him repeatedly and release.  "Fuck Miranda." He paused a second trying to get his bearings.

Miranda closed her eyes and called out his name as her body began to pulse. He felt her walls start to collapse as her breathing changed to quick gasps.

"Benjamin I'm going to cum." Miranda told him. Not even a second later she screamed gripping him tightly and cumming.

Ben moaned and her name fell from his lips as he came.

They both paused for a moment and looked up at the ceiling out of breath. He let go of her legs and started to lay down beside her.

Miranda pulled him down close to her body, tightly wrapping her arms around him, relishing in his weight resting against her despite their bodies being hot.

"I could never go to space." Miranda breathed.

"What?" Ben chuckled.

"I can't ever see myself going without this. Because this, this right here is all the out of this world experience that I need."

"Mmmm so it was that good?" Ben smirked kissing her lips

"It was that good Benjamin." Miranda said pecking his lips laughing.

Ben laughed along with her. They laid there for a while in each other's arms with lazy kisses and caresses here and there.

"You want to go again?"

"Is that even a question?" Miranda laughed rolling over. She straddled his waist and grabbed a condom of the dresser.

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