long lost and found at last

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I wander through paths and mazes I once knew off hand.
Lingering where silent memories left dew drops on the land.
The silence suddenly thrilling after years of noise and distraction.
I've discovered my little heaven
A place nobody ever went.
Besides of course the creatures whose hearts have called for mine.  Yes steve waited quietly for freedom to be won.

I can't believe the magic of all I left behind, safety was priority for the person I once was. I locked up each and every piece of me that wasn't real in hopes one day I'd find a way to open up and feel
Their magic that enchanted me when as I child I cried. They crept into my mind and left small kisses on my sides.

They told me stories and they shared so much I cannot tell. Of world's they knew and things they'd do.
All this for a lonely scared girl.
They took me to enchanted woods that nobody knew but us, they showed that the world in fact is not such a scary place.

And as years passed and I grew up I expected them to leave. But as I changed so did they as if they knew to stay. They helped to discover gifts I was to scared to share. They gave me Peace on horrid nights when nobody else would stay.

They watched on silent as they took in details of the crimes. The crooks they thought I would never share their monstrous deeds aloud.

Never did they ever guess that in the dark of night as they took things they didn't own my silent friends stood on. They watched until the crooks slipt out as certain as the day. They gathered from the corners and together they would howl. They closed me up held me safe in otherworldly arms and gently as I screamed no sound they still stood their ground.

They watched and guarded and when times came for memories to hide, these dear sweet friends they came they stayed they captured every pain and left me there but never bare.

No these dear creatures never. They whispered and flicked and twitched their wrists of magic and there were words of life. They never stopped their nightly watch until I had to run. 

I ran in fear and called them near for them to only shiver, into the wind that swept with it every bit of power. It had to though, take all it could to help me start afresh.

The wind and the beings they silently swept into a land within me.
They've waited days, months and years hoping for a moment where I could call them all awake and share what I've discovered.

The crooks they watched were only men whose bodies were like leather. Or boys with boxers who had they swam faster might have drowned my secrets. The crook he was not one man or two or only men truthfully. 

The crooks the beasts who dress like people were men women anybody. They broke and stole and ripped apart a little baby's freedom.

Through lies abuse rape and means I shudder to remember.
These people they took a little girls world of rainbows and happy endings and traded them for pleasure and deeds they thought were by far greater.

The child she grew up wondering why the fairy tales weren't clever.
Cause daddy's and friends pastor's close friends ( also known as her brothers) they shared their love or gave her hope of one day finding freedom. She hated the ladies who slept in tall towers waiting for a dream.

One day she discovered while crying under cover so not to draw attention, that promises of freedom and love were empty coins of bondage.

The little girl wept cut and bled. Praying for her own freedom no matter the cost the girl would not be scared to take that flight.

One day the girl crept away in plain sight with hopes but still too cautious.  She chased her dear friends, who just wouldn't blend into this halfway freedom. Promised with tears the little girl locked her friends and hopes in cages. She took up the key hid it with ease so she could try grow up now.

And grow yes she did but so did disease for she was lost and lonely.  Always forgetting that something was missing that she had locked too quickly.  She melted away and all that remained were ghostly whispers eerie and as she walked her light was dead, buried with her treasures. 

She loved those creatures missed them yes but freedom wasn't easy. She fell and she broke she threatened and choked down pills named by all and sundry a pill of success, it melted big dreams and sold it's schemes as best to taste reality.

Many years later that girl found a letter floating inside panic. She grabbed it with rage hatred and pain. Hoping it wasn't just fantasy. 
And there within safely tucked in to envelope and leather a key fell out into her heart unlocking the doors she'd lost. 

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