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I have lived so long in darkness
I forgot what it was to believe
I lost control and focus
Struggling to breathe.

I couldn't face the memories
I couldn't face the pain
Until eventually clarity
Kissed my tear stained face.

The tidal wave is coming
The dam walls crashing down
I do not know what it shall bring
But God I taste the rain now.

I needed to express my grief
My loss and vengeful rage
I needed to be relieved
Of years of feeling insane.

I'm taking this chance
Not because I want to
I need someone to glance
At all the wars I've been through

I hoped it would reach your soul.
And if it did I'm sorry
That you're no longer hole
But now release your worry

Know you're not alone.
I may not know which road
Has made you stub a toe
Or driven you to sorrow

But I know that you are here
I know you understand exhaustion
From holding back your fears
Crawling into maudlin

Choking on the memories
I need to talk to you
You who reads this
This is yours.

There is a breathe in hyperventilating
There's life right here.
My words are breaking

I wish you were in my heart
To feel the sense of knowing
You haven't journeyed alone
We may not walk together

But somehow our paths have met
You saw my soul and danger
You felt all my regrets
You're a complete stranger

Sister/brother we are one.
Thank you for living
For giving my words
Eyes to see

Thank you for trying
And somehow striving
To keep on surviving
You've given my words meaning

You've given me a purpose.
Because I survived
And so did you
And together we can heal.

Thank you friend
Thank you stranger
Your life matters
Now so does mine.

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