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You promised my heart
Many moons ago
New beginnings; fresh starts,
Fears and tears ago.

And now that my heart
Is not willing to go
I shudder!  I start!
Tears and fears will show.

You promised my hands
You'd carry them twixt
I wonder oh hands
If you knew which sticks?

You chopped out my faith
You cooked it away
You scrubbed out my face
And drew your board game

Well as for my hands
They ran and they ran
Till they couldn't stand,
Got hit by a van.

You promised my mind
To treasure it near
Right by your side
But look! Oh dear!

You jumped off the van
That ran with the hand
And yelled at the man
To not take a stand

For silence is golden
More precious than words
Silence is stolen
Away in my world.

Each memory, phrase
Each chore and each day
Must be recorded
Without a delay

No room for privacy
Sir no siree
No room for you
To shelter me.

You took it away
To the palm tree
You kept it to play
My mind for free.

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