Most Precious of them All

Start from the beginning

She grew up to become this stunning mature woman before her age. She even surprise Dexton a few times with her wisdom.

"Is there any problem Dexton?" Dexton came out of his thoughts when Shaira shook him up. He shook his head.

"So, how was your session with Dr. Sordo?" Dexton asked sipping his hot chocolate. Shaira sighed when she remembered the task Dr. Sordo has given him. She had tried to think about that, but she does not know why she could not conjuncture a single thing. The next session was in two days.

"Can I ask you an odd question, Dexton?" Shaira said as he gazed softly toward Dexton. Shaira hated to admit it, but she doesn't need to pretend something else in front of him because he knew everything that was going on in her mind which was a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Dexton nodded.

"How do you know you love something just because you like doing it, not for someone else validation? "Dexton's hands halted for a sec when he looked at Shaira. He knew from where these doubts were coming into her head. Not getting an answer from him. She continued, "You know, Mr. Sordo asked me to write something which I loved or liked, but I could not write a single thing. It made me feel like I was nobody. A hollow person with nothing." She smiled, although her eyes moisten.

"The things we do for validation certainly never make us happy and for the things we loved, it does not matter even if we started doing them for someone's validation because in course of time you will be happy by doing it." Dexton said putting his mug down.

Shaira's eyes furrowed. She could not understand the context.

"We will know what our heart seeks sooner or later. So, don't be afraid. Sometimes our mind does create loopholes for us, but you have to always remember, the one who could let you get out of them is you. After all, the most precious thing in the sea of self-doubts and validations is you. It's how you perceive it. Your conscience is the most precious of them all."

"Wow. I had never thought it like this." Shaira said. It was like her problems had somewhat straightened out. Shaira could not help but think how happy her life would be if she had Dexton always there for her to give her suggestions. Maybe she would even have faced her bullies knowing that someone is behind her even if she got punched really bad. This all lead to her the most dreadful question she wanted to ask. "Why now? Why they had to show these sides of them when she finally decided to leave them? What changed overnight that he suddenly become so approachable to her?"

It would not take millions of years, for her, to understand that she was afraid. She was afraid of being abandoned by them again. As much toxic as it sounds but she needed them- A family when she finally returned home, her real home, not Daniel's but her home. Her eyes glisten as tears filled her eyes. She abruptly stood up.

"I need to go."

"I know what you want to know, Ira."  Dexton said making Shiara stop in her tracks and making her face Dexton again.

"Then, why wouldn't you just tell me? How often do I have to remind you that I am not an object? I am human, barely an adult. I have emotions too." Shaira said her voice cracking.

"That's why, you are not even an adult, Shaira. How could I- I could not hurt you more than you already are." Dexton said with a firm voice.

"But I need to know-" Dexton stopped her midsentence. He got from the couch and pull out the custody annulment papers from the drawer.

"I will never help you to sign these papers because I need a second chance." Dexton said handing papers in her hand.

Shaira's eyes widen.


Hey, my lovely readers. I know you would not even have interest in knowing this- But I just got out of the stomach flu and a cold today. I was so excited today that I wrote a chapter earlier than I thought. 

For all those people who wanted an Ezra or Dexton Pov. I hear you guys. I have tried to incorporate some of Dexton's thoughts. You are free to speculate and tell me what reason you think for the sudden change?

Quick Question for fun- Who is your fav character till now and why?

I am so damn sure that you all know who is mine, but I can't be biased right?

Like Share and Vote if you like it. I want you all to know, your comments and suggestions always strive me to do better than previous (;   

So, thank you so much for that!


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