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I gasped for air, my eyes shot open, and I laid in the hospital bed staring at the ceiling. I woke up in a sweat, at least I'm alive. No one was in my room this time.

Maybe there at school? Wait, what time is it?

3:17pm, I found my phone on my right. My jewelry, headphones, and my mask are sitting to the left of me. I tried reaching to grab my mask, my arm wouldn't move. It stayed glued to my side, I began panicking. I tried lifting my left leg, nothing. I could move my right arm but my left arm and leg, nothing. I was scared to try to lift my right leg. I tried and was able to, just barely. The thought that I'm paralyzed entered my mind.

There's no way that I'm fully paralyzed I can still move my right arm. That's good. But what if it's just for now? How about I going to protect Jackie if I can't fucking move?

5 Weeks Later

Journal Entry Week 5

Hello, I'm Corpse, I suffer from extreme social anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, and every anxiety you could think of. Weeks had gone by. I saw Josh and Timmie every so often, but I never saw Jackie. It was almost like she forgot about me. But I was more focused on trying to get out of this damn hospital. I gained most of the movement back in my legs, I can finally walk on my own now. The doctor told me that they had to surgically set some of the bone fragments in my ribs back but I only ended up breaking 3 or 4.As of right now I only have about 2 more weeks until my ribs will be fully healed, or so the doctor says. It's been about 5 weeks since I got the crap kicked out of me and I'm making progress enough to where they may finally let me out. We were doing some walking practice since I was barely putting more and more weight onto my legs. Even though my legs were getting better my arm wasn't. I could barely lift my arm, it remained numb most of the time. I kept my arm in a sling since it's uncomfortable when my arm just dangles. I hope I get better soon.

Journal Entry Week 6

Hello, I'm Corpse, I suffer from extreme social anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, and every anxiety you could think of. I can finally walk on my own with no assistance. I may stumble a little every so often but I'm just trying to get used to walking full weight bearing now. My arm is still in a sling, I'm very slowly gaining more movement. I am now able to wiggle my fingers, without uncomfortability, almost able to make a fist without help. I've become very dependent on my right arm since I can't do anything with my left at the moment. I hope that changes.

Journal Entry Week 7

Hello, I'm Corpse, I suffer from extreme social anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, and every anxiety you could think of. So my doctor told me she may know the reason why I can't move my arm much. It may be because the rod they installed may be blocking some of the nerves that run down my arm. So tomorrow I have surgery to correct the position of the rod. Luckily they are going to go through the same scar so I'm not going to have a double. I'm a little worried they might mess my legs up again but I'm not too worried about it. They're all good people and understand that I struggle talking to people.

Journal Entry Week 7, #2

The surgery went well, at least that's what I was told. Hopefully I will be able to move my arm now. I can't sleep so I sit up in my bed and write this. I am honestly scared that Jackie hasn't come back yet. Either she just doesn't care or something happened to her. Maybe she never actually liked me. Maybe Amanda was right, maybe she was hanging out with me to make Jacob jealous or gain popularity from me. But that couldn't be. If Amanda is right about that and is being truthful. What else has she been truthful about? Does she still love me? Has she always loved me? Am I the one that got it wrong?

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