His return

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"And that's why three months later points this exact day, this day is the most important day of the entire damn school year!" I said excitedly

"So after all of that, your excited to see him again?" My friend Maria said.

I was setting up my book bag while I finished my story about what was happening today. Me and jacob are even closer then before and the drama about me and corpse died down. everyone still loves me and I'm extremely well known and corpse isn't even remotely close to what I have. no one even remembers him other then his friends and me. I was so excited to see him. I loved hanging out with him. But I still don't know if I should forgive him for what he did. If Jacob swung first or not he shouldnt have been that hard on them. I cant really talk because I would've done the same.  Whatever, I'll think about it later. I grabbed my bag and my water bottle and headed out to school when I get swooped up by Jacob.

"Hey baby! I missed you hehe!" He said swinging me around

"Aww I know! Christmas break just finished and I'm so excited to get back!" I said hugging him.

"Oh and why's that?" He giggled putting me back down.

"Corpse comes back!" I said spinning around on the ice that's on my doorstep.

He stared at me. "Your not seeing him."

"I know I just wanna see how he's doing. People think he's coming on school grounds like a mad man and people are saying that he's guilty." I was trying to continue but he stopped me.

"He is guilty, he almost killed me!" He angrily said.

"He did not! You were fucked up but it was no where near death!" I said yelling at him.

He paused.

I knew what that pause meant, I knew that pause too well.

"I'm so-" I was cut off by him grabbing my arm and just pulling me along to school.

"I didn't mean it you know" I said letting go of his hand.

"I know it's just, the fact that all happened and yet he's still allowed back to school it, pisses me off." He said putting his arm around me and rubbing my shoulder

"You know I love you right Jackie?" He said pushing my head to lean on him.

"Yea, I know" it was the norm for me to always say that.

He got to school when all of a sudden I saw the car, I knew who it was and I was surprised to see him with the car so close to school grounds. He turned into quite the damn crowd pleaser.

"What a fucking show off" Jacob said

"I know right, what a lowlife" I said slowly gaining my anger towards him again

We walk away from the crowd and get into school and everyone greets us. We're now officially the most known couple in school so people love talking to us. The tall jock with the not popular but known girl? We're unstoppable. But as we walked away it seemed like someone was willing to tag along

"Hey there kiddo missed ya." said an unknown voice, rubbing the top of my head.

I turned around to see that it was him. Corpse, for the first time he walked up to me instead of me having to look around for him.

"Hey no hard feelings right?" He said reaching over to Jacob and he just placed his hand on his shoulder, i saw a bit of a hard grasp.

"Hey you all there bud?" He tapped his face with his hand.

"Hm oh yeah, we're cool I guess." Jacob said, he was holding back the urge to slap the shit out of him for just being near me and I know he would've hit first by now but with me right next to him? He wouldn't dare.

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