This was the first time he had seen her drunk, he never even placed her for one who would let herself loose under the influence of alcohol— even on the day he had met her in the club, she wasn't that drunk— but he guessed some people had their days. She was definitely having her worst day, to say she had met her ex who broke up with her on her birthday.

In their suite, he had to prevent her from tripping over the small stairs that led to the bed as he laid her on the bed.

“ don't like me Yomi?” She asked quietly as he undid her sandal straps. It was quiet that he feared it was his imagination until she sat up and he realized that she had tears running down her face. His heart broke at the sight.

“What do you mean?” His voice shook.

“You... you... don't... you don't like me.” She said between sniffles.

He slowly stood from his position of squatting in front of her, and sat beside her, taking her small hands in his, aware of how well they fitted in his hands.

“I like you very much Dee.”

“You.. don't show it.” She pulled her hand from his and poked at his chest.

He took hold of the finger on his chest. “What do you want me to do to make you know that I like you very much.”

She closed her eyes, and after an agonizing minute of silence that he thought she might have fallen asleep, she spoke quietly with closed eyes  “Please...hug me.” Then she opened them, staring at him with doe eyes.

A minute passed of him wondering if indeed it was her sober thoughts. Did she think he didn't like her? Was he that bad in relating his feelings for her?
For he remember times when he badly wanted her but would force himself to recollect his thoughts. And here she was, before him, sobbing because she wasn't sure how he felt towards her.

I want you to be more than being my daughter's nanny, he wanted to say but he knew that whatever conversation they were having that evening, she won't remember any of that the next day. And so he pulled her in for a hug, but she doubled over and threw up on him.


She woke up disoriented, first, she had the pressing need to pee, and second, her head was throbbing. She slowly dragged herself up to a sitting position, her head in her hands. She took a look around the room realizing that Yomi was no where in sight. And seeing the indentation on the other side of the bed, she knew they slept together on the bed.

She let out a yawn, and her gaze fell unconsciously on her body. She was dressed in a white T-shirt and a pair of shorts she could not recognize, her heart skipped beats.

What the hell?

She tried remembering the incidents of the previous day, scared that she might have done something silly like sleeping with Yomi, but she couldn't remember anything that happened after she drowned her third glass of wine.

It hadn't been intentional for her to get drunk, heck, she wanted to enjoy that evening sober. But seeing Mike walk in that pool with an insanely beautiful lady that almost had all the guys tripping, made her loose all her nerves, she had been so enraged. And so, while she waited for Yomi, seated alone, as Temi had to introduce her boyfriend to some other colleagues, she drowned herself in glasses of wine passed around by the waiters.

A knock came on the door increasing the pounding on her head, and Yomi walked out of the bathroom dressed in his formal wear, a pair of black trousers, a white shirt with two buttons from his collar undone. And even though she had seen him dressed for work in previous times, she just couldn't get enough of how he looked good in anything.

“Good morning.” He greeted buoyantly as he walked to the door.

She watched him open the door for a server who had a tray. He collected the tray from the server, and shut the door when the guy left, with his feet.

“I ordered room service.” He placed the tray on the side table and sat on the bed.

“One minute.” She raced to the bathroom and hurriedly did her business. When she was done, she walked out to Yomi who handed her a glass of water and some white pills. She stared at them, trying to decipher what he was offering her.

“Analgesics. Sudrex to be exact, for your hangover.”

She peered at him before she swallowed them, scrunching her face in disgust at the taste.

He walked back to tray, uncovering the plates.
“Hope you slept well.”

She gave him a suspicious look. “Where are my clothes?” Then walked towards him in a calculated pace. “Why am I dressed in your tee?

He smirked. “You can't remember?”

“Remember what?” Her eyes widened. “We didn't have sex, did we?”

Haba He stood, towering some inches above her, and he bent to whisper in her ears. “You would surely remember if you ever had sex with me.”

She flushed at this, then he straightened up. “Eat your food babe so it doesn't get cold.”

Babe? Did he just use a term of endearment on her? What the hell happened last night?

“I'm leaving for work now but I'll be back before the evening activities.” He picked up his suit jacket that was lying on the chair beside the bed, then he walked towards her and planted a cool kiss on her forehead before heading for the tray.

Dinma stood transfixed, her jaw hanging open. She watched him tear a piece from the mouth watering toast in such calculated manner, not minding that he was soiling his hands and he walked back to her. She watched for his next actions, not expecting the piece that entered her mouth.

“Eat.” He commanded.

And she slowly began chewing on the toast obediently, realizing that she was hungry.  It tasted heavenly. When she had swallowed, he leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss. It was a playful one, yet it left her shaking in pools of desire. He broke the kiss with a smile.

“I'll see you when I get back.”

Dinma stood still, she felt her world stop. It felt like a very good dream that she didn't want to wake up from. She heard him chuckle, and even after she heard the door shut, she was still standing on the same spot, tracing her lips as she replayed the moment. She reeled to the bed, and with a thump on the bed, she squealed excitedly into the sheets.

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