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Temi made a beeline to the kid colouring, and picked up her up in her arms.
“How are you cutie?”

“Fine.” Zara replied.

Then she gave her friend a look,
“Have you told Mr. Johnson that you'll be out this weekend?”

“No.” Dinma moved from where she stood, and plopped down into a sofa.

“Why not?” Temi moved Zara to her hip. “You should also invite him.”

“Invite who?” A voice came from behind Dinma causing her to jerk  in fright. Yomi came into her line of vision, he was dressed in a pair of black jean trousers, and a plain black T-shirt.

“Hello Temi.” He greeted with a smile, then to Dinma he said as though they were casual friends. “I'm heading out.”

Dinma nodded, unable to utter a word.

“Daddy where are you going to?” His daughter asked from Temi's hip.

“To see uncle Chris.”

“Uncle Chris D?” The child asked.

He nodded.

Temi cocked a brow, “You're friends with Chris D?”

“Yes.” He replied as though it was common to be friends with a popular music artiste.

He made to leave, but Temi called him back.

“We would be having a getaway this weekend.” She continued “More like a 'course mates' reunion.”

Dinma paled. Temi shouldn't be the one doing this. So she stood cutting in quickly before Temi had a chance to say anything drastic.

“I'd be leaving this Friday with Temi.” Dinma said.

“And you're invited.” Dinma felt the tip of her ears burn, and she fought the urge to utter anything hurtful, for the sake of the little girl who had no idea of what was happening. Instead, she offered what she hoped was a smile, and said between clenched teeth. “That won't be necessary.”

“It would be so much fun.” Temi replied, not quite catching on the hint.

“He's been so busy–” Dinma said at the same time he asked, ‘What time do we have to come?’

She gave him a glare, her lips turned downwards, but nobody in the room took notice of this.

Temi beamed, shifting her weight from the leg that had the kid to the other. “I'll send you the time and address.”

“Alright.” He kissed his daughter's temples. “Bye. I'll be back soon.”

“Bye.” Zara responded with a wave. And as soon as he was out the door, Dinma turned to her friend, mouthing a ‘What the hell?’

Temi chuckled, and a gave an offhand shrug, “The more the merrier.”

“You know I don't like Lara one bit, and I do not want Yomi seeing me in a strife with someone.”

“Aww.. so this is about what Yomi thinks.”

“Shut up.”

And so by evening, She met Yomi on the dinning table, scrolling through his phone. A few minutes after she had tucked Zara in, she heard him come in. So she went out to meet him, deciding to convince him not to show up for the reunion. Besides she didn't know what he was supposed to show up as, for he was neither a date nor a friend even.

She stood behind a dinning chair, careful to stand some distance away from Yomi. And whether he noticed her or not, he showed no acknowledgement.

“You don't have to come.” She started, watching as his face rose from his screen, to fix his gaze on her.

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