Chapter 16, Everything is absolutely Gucci.

Depuis le début

"How did you get it?" I asked more than a little curious.
"It's an almost exact replica, tailormade for me" Loki admitted, "even if I could have gotten my hands on the original, it would have been too small for me.
It has your approval?" Loki was only pretending to be coy, he knew well enough it did.
"I love it," I sighed, as I tried not to drown in his eyes. "Won't you be too warm with the jacket tonight?"
Loki bent down slightly and whispered in my ear: "Believe it or not, the jacket comes off."
"Oh really?" I smiled, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. Why did he have to smell so good?
"Oh yes. And if you are a good girl, so does the tie."
"And the rest?" I bit my lip and looked at him from underneath my eyelashes, something I knew drove him wild.
"Oh, for that?" Loki practically purred. "For that, my darling, you'd have to be more than a little bit naughty!"
I felt my own smile widen. I was in for a fun night!

Thor's voice thundered loud enough to be heard over the music the moment we walked in, bolts of lightning flying over the crowd.
"Thor!" I yelled at him.
"Hey, I didn't blow any fuses this time," he just grinned as a cheer went up.
The club was busy that night, the dancefloor packed with denizens from every part of the Secret World.
Loki just grinned and shook his head.
"Oh, I love this song!" He exclaimed happily, with a hand on the small of my back he lead me to the dancefloor.
Dave the Ghoul, the DJ that night, gave a wave, having changed the music to one of Loki's favourite songs the moment we came in.

The first time Loki suggested going to the night club I was hesitant.
I knew Loki had visited frequently before we started dating, but ballroom dancing in the kitchen was one thing, dancing in a nightclub with a bunch of strangers around was something completely different.
"They aren't strangers, you'll know most of them," Loki reassured me.
"I don't know how to dance like that!" I argued.
"The same we always dance darling," Loki winked. "You look into my eyes and follow my lead."
Very soon I had realised that this was part true and part lie.
Certainly, following his lead meant I didn't make a fool of myself, but I quickly realised it was far from being the same as the way we had danced before.

How do I describe my husband on the dancefloor?
I'm afraid I'm not a good enough writer to find words to do him justice, but I will give it a try:

Loki danced the same way he walked, the same way he fought; with predatory elegance and grace.
Each step had a purpose, every move was perfectly controlled, calculated to tantalise and seduce. His confidence, bordering on arrogance, was intoxicating.
I would find myself completely in his thrall: every touch, every gesture driving me to desire him more and more.
In other words, finding myself on the floor of the Tabula Rasa with Loki wasn't as much dancing as it was an evening of foreplay.

That night was no different, the moment we were on the dance floor Loki pulled me closer, his hard body gyrating against me as his eyes met mine with a smug little smile. He knew exactly the effect he had on me and it pleased him immensely.
I wrapped an arm around his neck, my own moves matching him perfectly. Loki let himself sink slightly lower, his hips against mine, one hand firmly on my back, sliding lower and lower.
I felt my lips part, the tip of my tongue wetting my lips as I took a deep breath. Loki's smile merely widened as his own tongue touched his top lip, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
I let myself lean against him even closer, feeling every inch of his muscular body through the fabric of my dress. I smiled just as smugly as I felt his body respond. For a moment I pressed even closer, knowing he could feel the burning of my body against his, then slightly backed away again.
"Pace yourself," I warned him with a grin, "It's only the first song. The last time you were in this mood we had to leave within the hour and we barely made it into the alleyway."
"It's not my fault you are completely irresistible when we hit the dancefloor," he growled as I turned around in his arms, my back leaning firmly against him, "It almost feels clandestine to desire my own wife this much!"
I just laughed and firmly placed my hand on his as it slowly crept up my leg and under my skirt. "You'll just have to last a bit longer tonight, now I'm here I want to dance!"
Loki behind me was still a distraction, but at least now I could have a look around and see if I could spot any familiar faces. We had our own booth in the VIP section, one of the benefits of being royalty. I saw Cedric and Jen there and gave a wave, but neither of them saw me. It was too dark in the club and we were too far away to tell with certainty, but from their body language, I could see something was off.
Loki immediately noticed I was distracted and turned me around. "Where did you just go?" he asked, slightly annoyed I wasn't playing along anymore.
"Sorry, I just saw Ced and Jen. I think there's something wrong."
Loki frowned and looked past me. Jen and Cedric were standing up. Jen was yelling at Cedric.
Without exchanging a word Loki and I both made our way to the booth, Loki clearing the way ahead of us on the dancefloor. Jen threw a drink in Cedric's face, then slapped him.
"That's quite enough!" Loki barked, as I took Jen by her arm.
"Let me go!" she hissed.
"Out. Now! It's either me or the bouncers," I warned her as I dragged her to the door. Loki behind me had his arm around Cedric.
The Tabula Rasa had a firm 'no violence, one strike is out' policy, something that is needed when your clientele consists of immortals, gods, sorcerers, supernatural beings and those who hunted them.
"You don't know..."
"And I don't care," I said firmly. "Take a walk and cool down. You are lucky it was just us and no one else noticed."
Jen glared but walked away.

Sorcha's Secret World, Part 2: Mystery and Mischief.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant