69- Mr. F & Mr. E

Start from the beginning

"You really need to be more direct with your words." She claimed.

I just stared at her, perplexed.

"You don't have to be nice all the time, Aurora." She said, "Sometimes you just need to do the right things,
not the nice things."

I remained pretty much frozen while Elle quickly changed. She stripped out of her robe and stepped into a pair of striped pajama pants, and a grey t-shirt.

Then, she walked straight to my side of the room with a tablet in her hand. My bed creaked as she sat down on the edge of the bed, taking up Blaire's old spot.

"What're you working on?"

I was most too stunned to speak.

"Mr. Nigel gave us this group assignment—"

"Molecular biology, correct?"

"Y-yes." I promptly nodded.

"Assignment A1. I could pull up my old report and you could use it as a guide. Or take it. I don't care."

I chuckled, dryly, "Thank you."

She looked up from her tablet. Biting her bottom lips as if something I said upset her.

"Are you not going to call me out for what I did earlier?" She asked, disappointed.

I tired to think everything over.

"But you did nothing—"

"I was rude to you, Aurora." She concluded, "You could have said something to me. Told me off. Stood up for yourself."

Wait. Was that a test?

"I just assumed you wanted some privacy, and you hardly even asked me for a favor."

Elle sighed.

"I really don't get people like you." She said, "I mean it's good that you're a nice person. But you know the one thing wrong with being nice?"

I shook my head.

"You fail to spot the wrong in people." Ouch.

"I am only just trying to fit in." I reasoned.

"You don't have to live yourself up to the standard to be acceptable. All of us weren't born into this society to be loved." She taught, "Despite how kind you're, this world has its cruel way of showing you, kindness does get you nowhere."

My chest was already beginning to swell and tingle as I pretended her words didn't affect me as much ad they truly did.

"You must have been treated badly." Elle read. Her eyes bored into mine and for a second there, it felt as though I had seen that look before.

"On the face of it, only the hurt one can feel so much for others and has such a limitless empathy."

"It's not that." I sighed, heavily, closing my laptop. I put it away on the nightstand, "I mean, look around. I'm the weird one."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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