30. Sister Solidarity

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'That dagger once belonged to Aegon the Conqueror. It was Aenar's before that. And before that... well, it is difficult to know. Before Aegon's death, the last of the Valyrian pyromancers hid his song in the steel.' Viserys said holding out a blade over the fire, a message was revealed.

"From my blood... come the Prince That Was Promised... and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire." Rhaenyra read

'The responsibility I have handed to you, the burden of this knowledge... it is larger than the throne, the king. It is larger than you and your desires. Jaehaerys would've disinherited you.'

'For a lie?' Rhaenyra countered 'You've yet to ask me for the truth of what happened.'

'The truth does not matter, Rhaenyra. Only perception. You have exposed yourself. Now we must both suffer the consequences.' Viserys told her solemnly.

'Were I born a man, I could bed whomever I wanted. I could father a dozen bastards, and no one in your court would blink an eye.' Rhaenyra countered

'You are right... but you were born a woman.'

'So you'll strip me of my titles and name Aegon in my stead.' Rhaenyra offered stiffly. "Or better Vaera! She is everyone's favorite, they would all like her better as queen, wouldn't they!" Rhaenyra was starting to think that Vaera would do better, Rhaenyra didn't want this pressure to be perfect, Vaera already was perfect in everyone's eyes. "Give it to Vaera." Rhaenyra said miserably.

"Your sister stood up for you, said you would never do what you are being accused of." Viserys informed her. "Vaera told me to blame your accuser instead. That he who blamed you wanted to stir up trouble."

"Sister solidarity." Rhaenyra murmured.

'I would name Aegon or Vaera as heir." Viserys admitted. 'But it is mine to hold the realm together, not sow it with further division. Your courtship is at an end. You will wed Ser Laenor Velaryon, and you will do so without protest. The son of the Sea Snake.'

'So I can be a remedy for your political headaches.' Rhaenyra groaned

'You are my political headache! Your wedding to Ser Laenor Velaryon will unite the two most powerful houses in the realm. With the combined strength of our shared dragons and naval fleets, no one would dare to stand against us. The House of the Dragon will stand as one for a further generation.' Viserys demanded

'And what will you do about the vulture who perches upon your throne?'

'What vulture?'

'Your Hand.' Rhaenyra informed him

'Otto High tower has served two kings loyally and faithfully.' Viserys assured

"Vaera does not like him either." Rhaenyra added.

"She made that clear as well." Viserys admitted.

'He wants Aegon to be named heir. And he will stop at nothing to see it done. Including spying on me to bring about my ruin. You speak of The Conqueror's vision and the need for strength and unity across the realm. But how can that be accomplished with your most trusted adviser so self-interested?' Rhaenyra offered

'Every lord and lady that calls for an audience with me, every man on my small council, and all councils past, has been self-interested. It is unavoidable.' Viserys informed her

'I disagree. I will do my duty as heir and wed Ser Laenor. But you must first do yours as king.'


'Your Grace.'

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