15. Love Language

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4 years later

'He has your hair, Your Grace.'

'He does have my hair.' Viserys agreed, targaryen's and their silver hair, unmistakable.

'He has your eyes, Your Grace.'

'Yes, he does.' Viserys agreed. 'And you have my nose, don't you?'

"It only took you having another child for me to grow." Vaera remarked bouncing Aegon in her arms.

"Yes you are certainly looking like a beautiful young woman, so much like your mother." Viserys remarked running a hand through her hair. Vaera felt like a woman, at 14 she caught every suitor's eye, her smile was captivating and her energy contagious, Rhaenyra's grumpy attitude swayed suitors but Vaera still loved her elder sister.

'Two years old and already our boy has a kingly presence.'

'He may yet, brother, but this morning he insisted on eating porridge with his hands.' Otto mused.

'He will grow. We're quite a party assembled in his honor. And surely by the end of this hunt, we shall have more to celebrate.'

'And what is that, pray tell.'

'It is Aegon's second name day. His infancy's behind him. It only remains for Viserys to name him heir to the throne.'

'I wouldn't be so sure.' Otto told him stiffly.

'He's the King's firstborn son.

'I don't know that His Grace sees it so clearly.' Otto remarked

'Then it lies with you to make him see it... Lord Hand.'

'Your Grace... I bring urgent news from the Stepstones.' Tyland Lannister said coming forward and putting a halt to the festivities. 'The Crabfeeder has dug in for siege on Bloodstone while his men sabotage our fleet under the cover of dark.

'Not today, Tyland.' Viserys urged glancing back at Aegon giving Vaera kisses, smiling up at her. Viserys looked to Alicent, bored and annoyed, a forced smile on her face. Viserys adored his children... adored Vaera. She remained his little girl, took to caring for Aegon and trying to keep Rhaenyra out of trouble. Viserys didn't think he would have survived the past few years without her being a constant light in his life. But he saw the way the men of the realm flocked to her now. she had grown, her curves filled in, she was beautiful and she couldn't stay his baby girl forever. Soon there would come a day when a suitor would ask for her hand and Vaera would want to leave, move far away and start a family of her own... he wasn't looking forward to that day. Rhaenyra though he was hopeful to find her a match and remove her depressing self from his sight.

'The matter of the Stepstones is regrettably urgent.' Tyland assured.

'It's been three years. It can wait another three days.' Viserys said calmly. 'Come, eat. Fortify yourselves for the journey. Please.' Viserys said gesturing to the feast. 'Is the baggage train ready?' Viserys whispered.

'It is presently massing at the River Gate. Lord Jason expects us in the Kings wood before midday.'

'Have you seen Rhaenyra?' Viserys questioned looking around.

'I have not, Your Grace.'

'With the Triarchy now sheltering in Bloodstone's caves, the threat of the dragons is blunted.' Tyland told him following him down the feast table.

"Alicent, I'm sure you want Aegon, I have stolen him all morning." Vaera remarked and Alicent flinched back as Vaera held Aegon out to her. "Take you child, Alicent." Vaera told her. "Don't look like a shit mother that I know you are." Vaera hissed with a smile as Alicent grabbed aegon from her putting him down on the ground.

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