19. Run With You

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'We've sent out riders to find Rhaenyra and Vaera, Your Grace.' Lyonel assured as the night grew dark and there was no sign of the princesses. 'Ser Criston went after them, so the hope is that they are all together.'

'The girl is a heedless contrarian. If I instead forbade her to wed a Lannister, she would've run off with Lord Jason out of spite.' Viserys remarked. 'A truly great Targaryen King I am. Powerless over mine own daughters of eight-and-ten and five-and-ten... everything was easier when they were younger and Vaera didn't catch the eye of everyone, she was my little girl for so long, what happened?" Viserys questioned through an exasperated breath. "My little Vaera...."

"You received proposals for her as well?"

"Yes." Viserys said stiffly. "I don't like it, she is too young and Rhaenyra is too adamant that she will be alone forever.'

'King Jaehaerys ruled over half a century of peace while his children drove him to the edge of madness... his daughters, in particular.' Lyonel recalled 'It is tradition, Your Grace.' Viserys took another sip of wine he surely didn't need it but he drank it down anyways. 'Do you wish to hear my opinion on the matter?' Viserys let out a long sigh

'Should I guess? You believe that your son, Ser Harwin "Break bones," the strongest knight in the Seven Kingdoms, is the best match for Rhaenyra.' Viserys hissed

'You flatter me, Your Grace, but no.' Lyonel told him although he knew that Harwin was quite fond of the princess Vaera, but that could be discussed at a later date. 'It would seem to me the best match for Rhaenyra is the son of The Sea Snake, Ser Laenor.' He offered 'Some years ago, I counseled you to take his sister to wife. My reasoning remains the same. Laenor is of pure Valyrian descent. He shares blood with your cousin, the Princess Rhaenys. And he is the heir to the wealthiest house in the realm. The breach between your houses has not narrowed since I last spoke of it. It would do much to assuage Lord Corlys of any slights real... or imagined.' Viserys pondered the idea. 'We must pray, of course, that Laenor survives the fighting in the Stepstones.' Viserys got up drunkenly and left the celebration, he just wanted to have a good time and celebrate his son. Not all this.


'Princesses, I must make a final plea that we return to the camp.' Criston requested weakly as Vaera leaned into him as a fire crackled before them.

'I rather prefer it here.' Rhaenyra told him as she threw twigs into the fire.
"Yes I'm quite comfortable." Vaera agreed smiling up at him. He kept an arm gently draped around her shoulders, she bit at her lip as she looked back into the fire before them.

'His Grace is certain to be worried by your absence.' Criston reminded them softly. He was very comfortable, he didn't know why he was entertaining the idea. He was of the kings guard, he swore celibacy and the princess of all people he should not even be entertaining the thought that she might actually want him. It could never happen, but the way she looked at him made him think she wanted him too.

'His Grace can worry himself to death if he so likes.' Rhaenyra told him smugly.

"Nyra!" Vaera exclaimed and Rhaenyra stuck her tongue out at Vaera.

'Tell me something, Ser Criston. Do you think the realm will ever accept me as their Queen?' Rhaenyra asked.

"Of course they will.'' Vaera said confidently.

'They'll have no choice but to, Princess.' Criston reminded her as their horses neighed and whinnied behind them. Criston rose ready to defend his princesses, drew his blade, the twigs cracking under his feet as all went quiet. The boat came charging at them, Vaera stumbled back, Criston pulled vaera away and she collided with him. Rhaenyra yelled a boar came charging at them, growling he leapt on top of Rhaenyra. She stabbed it and it fell.

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