"I should uh- I should call Sam. He'll come pick me up after he and Bobby finish up their case." I murmured. She nodded. I stalked off to her guest room, leaving her standing in the living room. My heart ached dully as I slammed the bedroom door. What I said was true... I did love her... She was my perfect match... and she had left me... I sat on the bed, pulling out my phone. Maybe I shouldn't call Sam. Maybe I could fix this. I laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I heard the door to (Y/n)'s bedroom door close and I heard her immediately burst into loud sobs. I wanted to go in and console her, but that wasn't my place anymore... I stood up off the bed, heading to the living room. I paused momentarily in the doorway, looking at her coat on top of mine on the coat hangers. I sat on the couch, propping my feet on the coffee table. I flicked on the TV, going to the news channel. I watched as the reporter talked about a death in the area. They explained how the victim died from blood loss and wounds to the neck. That sounded familiar. I immediately clocked it as a vampire attack. I remembered seeing something about a vamp nest upstairs. I turned off the TV, standing and heading over to the attic opening. I pulled it down and climbed up, looking around at the mess we made the last time we were up here. Notebooks and pens were strewn across the floor. I looked around until I found an old note pinned to the cork board. The handwriting wasn't (Y/n)'s. I looked at it. It gave an address and below it it said 'vamp nest'... well that was simple enough. It looked old, I briefly wondered why no one had done anything about it. I took a picture of the note and headed back down. I closed up the attic and headed to (Y/n)'s door. I knocked on it, but got no answer.

I listened, hearing light snoring inside. I left her alone and headed to the kitchen, jotting down a note. I looked at the picture on my phone, looking up the address. It was close to here. I pulled on my coat and slipped my gun into my waistband and grabbed my machete. I headed outside and glanced at the car, but decided against using it, as I didn't want to leave (Y/n) here without a car in case she needed something. I knew the house was close from the directions.

I headed out, taking a shortcut through the woods to the right of (Y/n)'s house. After walking for about 20 minutes I saw the silhouette of a large mansion in the distance. As soon as I caught sight of it, I heard a snarl behind me. I turned, seeing a vamp coming out from behind a tree. I ran at it, taking off his head in one foul swoop. Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around me, wrestling me to the ground. I reached back, slipping my gun out of my waistband, shooting the thing over my shoulder. It let go in surprise and I whirled around, slicing the vamp's head off. I headed closer to the mansion, taking out every vamp I saw. I looked up at the front porch, taking a deep breath before stepping up on the front step. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and I fell backwards. Someone caught me and I felt my arms being cuffed above my head. I felt blood flowing out of my shoulder wound as I was hit in the head and dragged into the mansion. I blacked out and when I came to, I saw that I was in what looked to be a dark basement. A woman was standing in front of me, wearing a gown and holding a metal pipe.

"Why are you here?" She questioned.

"I saw a vamp kill on the news." I answered.

"Who are you?" She asked. I stayed silent. She whacked me in the knee and it let out a sickening crack and I groaned.


"WHO ARE YOU?" She repeated.

"I'm your worst fucking nightmare!" I yelled back. She let out a posh chuckle.

"Really? Because from where I'm standing, you look like you're all bark and no bite." She answered, as a smile crossed her face. "If you promise to leave at once, we will let you go." She added. I felt rage course through my body.

"We both know that's not going to happen." I said back. She gave a swift whack to my knee again. I screamed and kicked at her. At that moment my mind started to wander. I walked into this blind... (Y/n) was asleep, and she had no idea where I was. I was screwed.

Pretty Boy: Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now