Chapter 15:

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Dean's P.O.V.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. I looked around, I was in (Y/n)'s bedroom. I pulled the sheet off of me and looked down, seeing that I wasn't wearing any clothes. I then remembered the fun that (Y/n) and I had last night. She was beautiful... her skin was soft... and she tasted better than anything else in the world. She was the best woman I had ever been with. She made me feel things that no one else could. Just being around her improved my mood 20 times over. She was funny and sweet and her voice always made me smile. She always smelled so good. It didn't matter if she used the little hotel soaps or something she picked up from a dollar store, or if she hadn't showered in days. She always had the same base scent. She smelled like her... and it was intoxicating.

I stood up, looking around. I saw my pair of boxers on the floor. I pulled them on, heading out the door and looking around. The bathroom door was open and I saw my shirt that I loaned to (Y/n) on the floor. She must have taken a shower. I headed to the kitchen, pausing in the doorway. I heard the beautiful sound of bacon sizzling on the stove and I saw (Y/n), dressed sadly, leaning over the stove, cooking breakfast. I walked up behind her, looping my arms around her waist. She jumped.

"Hello beautiful." I murmured, burying my head in her neck.

"Jesus! You scared the shit out of me!" She said with a cute giggle. She turned in my grip, pulling me into a gentle hug, pressing a kiss into my head. I let her go and she turned back to the stove. I looked over her shoulder, seeing that she was making bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

"Shit." I muttered, "That's a lot of food."

"A hunter's breakfast." She said, looking back at me with a cute smile. I reached down, grabbing her ass. She jumped and let out a small laugh. "Get some plates, jackass." She said. I could hear the smile in her voice. I did as I was told, opening the cabinet where I got the wine glasses last night. The plates were on the next shelf. I pulled out two plates and put them on the island beside the cooler. I reached into the fridge pulling out two beers. (Y/n) reached over to me expectantly. I cracked open the first beer, handing it to her. I opened mine next, sitting at the island, watching her work. She was throwing in spices I had never heard of, let alone tasted. Everything smelled great. I heard my stomach growl and I glanced down before looking back up at her. "Almost ready, sweetheart." (Y/n) said, anticipating my question. She had obviously heard it too. She was true to her word, and after a few minutes She shut off the stove, turning and filling our plates. She grabbed some maple syrup from the cabinet and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said, taking it. I drenched my pancakes... and my bacon. I handed her the maple syrup back, trying the food. "Oh my god..." I muttered, looking over at her. Her eyes widened.

"Is it okay? I haven't cooked in a while."

"This is the best food I've ever had." I said. Her face softened into a sweet smile.

"I'm glad you think so." She murmured, eating her food.

"I was right, you know." I said, glancing over at her.


"When I said you were perfect." I said with a smile. (Y/n) blushed.

"Shut up." She said, pushing me jokingly. I chuckled and laid my arm across her shoulders. She gagged, "A little deodorant goes a long way, babe." She said, pushing me off. We shared a laugh.

"I'll shower after we eat." I said, stuffing the bacon into my mouth.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

We finished the food quickly, and Dean headed to the bathroom and I started cleaning up the kitchen. I washed the plates, utensils, and kitchenware before heading to the bathroom. He had left the door open. I leaned on the door frame, watching him through the steamed up glass. His boxers laid, discarded on the floor with my shirt. Dean was beautiful. His abs, his chest, his back, his shoulders, his hips, his legs... everything about him was muscular and sexy.

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